People are actively inspired by the idea that only marginal countries, outcasts, who supposedly have nothing to lose in terms of reputation, make friends with Russia, and they do not disdain to contact us. Like, bad guys attract only bad guys. Russia and North Korea are brothers forever. Who else is there? Syria is a “bloodsucker” and “maniac” Assad, a recalcitrant Iran, the Somali pirates - although no, they still haven't gotten to it ... Yes, and Russia seems to be increasingly drawn to this very outcast, since they are not allowed to decent houses. Birch and lapotnaya gas station with rockets. Yes Yes…

It is clear why this is being done: in order to create an inferiority complex, from which such an intolerable itch will begin in the country that the next global renovation of some kind needs to be made urgently and go to partake of the best and most advanced countries. It was not so long ago in our history, which must be confessed. “We can repeat!” - the foremost democrats will constantly slander, soon the corresponding stickers will be placed on cars lovingly.

But not so simple. More recently, the first bells came, indicating that the Old World is tired of anti-Russian hysteria, as well as of the sanctioned hopak. Still, this thing is energy-consuming and exhausting. The race of Russophobia requires hardly less effort than the arms race. It is only at first that a surge of testosterone is felt, but after it begins breaking and strange visions prevail.

First surprised the Minister of Economy and Energy of Germany, Peter Altmaier, who said that his country is not interested in anti-Russian sanctions. Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurtz at a meeting with Trump said that Russia is a “more attractive partner” in the gas issue, and supported Nord Stream 2.

Already from quite fresh: the chairman of the Greek parliament, Nikos Vucis, called the isolation of the Russian delegation to the PACE wrong. According to him, "Athens adheres to a positive approach so that Russia will soon be able to resume its work in PACE on equal terms."

The chairman of the Chamber of Deputies of the Italian Parliament, Roberto Fico, spoke about the lifting of sanctions and the need to return Russia to PACE. He believes that otherwise “the principle of inter-parliamentary dialogue” will be denied.

It is incredible, but true: even the British ambassador said that he needed to be friends with Russia. True, the ghost of Salisbury immediately appears in their foggy bushes as a significant obstacle to such friendship. Did they really inspire all this “skalgate” only in order not to rush into the whole British agility with their arms and friendship to Russia? .. Gentlemen should be arrogant and stiff and not give out their secret desires ...

Europe is heterogeneous, it is not at all a single anti-Russian bayonet, as they try to convince, but it is tied up with numerous obligations and habits. She's hobbled.

And as soon as detente begins in relations with Russia, or even a hint of it, they slip some irritant: from the banal fairground sack with the “poisoning” of Skripaley to the turbulent Ukraine.

In fact, very few people want to quarrel with Russia. Meaning? There are already enough problems in the world. Only now the States are ordering in order to preserve their “world order”, and zealous converts to democracy are rampant. Neophytes are rampant, playing in public, showing their prowess. What they still have? ..

On the other hand, the whole of this completely unmotivated abuse of the Old World with Russia suggests that the issue here is not even in politics and not in American dictate. It is of a mental kind: dense and thundering complexes of a cannibalistic plan, which are actively used and cultivated by the same States. Surely an internal fascist is sitting under the guise of decency, embarrassing himself with the plans of a new crusade to the East? And if you scratch? .. After all, it is completely obvious that there is absolutely no difference between Russophobia and the same anti-Semitism. These are demons of one kind. It’s time to equalize it legally, as well as start with claims to advocate for the same sanctions, which are nothing but manifestations of clinical Russophobia.

Europe should get rid of this, gradually undergo rehabilitation, wipe out its demonic Mr. Hyde. Here, in the same Parliamentary Assembly, the bacchanalia with all sorts of harassment of the Russian delegation, up to the deprivation of the right to vote, started a Russophobic minority, frankly discrediting this oldest organization with its actions. This, by the way, was noted by Leonid Slutsky, chairman of the State Duma’s international affairs committee, who said that this practice allows "to draw dividing lines in the Council of Europe space, destroying the democratic foundations and principles of parliamentarism."

By the way, this was mentioned by the already mentioned Italian parliamentarian. In the meantime, it turns out that the attacks of Russophobia are so strong that they allow to cancel any fundamental principles of democracy. Dictatorship Russophobic minority? The same Slutsky proposes the term "hazing" - the principle by which the "lights" of democracy apply to all others, and above all to Russia.

Our country clearly and clearly outlined its terms of "friendship": equality and non-discrimination, that is, follow the statute of the Council of Europe - and you will be happy. We are already too knowledgeable about how the Western world works.

Jeans demolished, chewing gum chewed, romantic attractiveness has evaporated. Therefore, without seduction and with pragmatics. There is no older and big brother, and we are no less and unwise. We are ready to learn and discuss, but we should not be taught - we can, we have grown out of short pants a long time ago. We do not demand to be loved, but to be considered - we insist.

By the way, this return of Russia to the PACE without any conditions and reproaches would be an excellent step towards detente. A kind of work on the mistakes, the repetition of the basics of democracy, and then in Europe, much of this has been forgotten. Here we strongly recall.

“If our friends from the EU will be more active and influence the hazing of the Old World, then we could come back and have a dialogue. Otherwise, a hundred years of loneliness awaits them all, ”Leonid Slutsky commented on the current situation. Friends are still timid, it is difficult for them to break the vicious circle of political habits and complexes. But their sound voices are enough, including in the European Union. The fact that talking for friendship with Russia is not scary is known in the same Italy and Greece, in the Czech Republic and Turkey. Dr. Jekyll is awakening. Yes, and many others, too, are drawn to this, they have only forgotten how to speak and constantly look at someone. "Friendship", "Russia" - let them try by syllables. It is not difficult and not scary. So, you see, and the stone from the sinus falls out, and then rush with him, by the same hard ...

The point of view of the author may not coincide with the position of the editorial board.