In the murder trial for the so-called horror house of Höxter, the defender of Angelika W. has demanded acquittal for the accused. The allegations of the prosecutor - two murders by omission and attempted murder - are not tenable, said lawyer Peter Wüller before the district court Paderborn.

In the case of one of the two dead women, the experts were not agreed whether death would have been prevented. "Therefore in doubt for the defendants," Wüller said at the conclusion of the pleading on the 58th trial day. It was not clear to the second woman what she had died of. "The court would have to speculate here," said Wüller. According to the indictment, the body was first frozen, then sawn and later burned in the house in Höxter-Bosseborn.

The prosecution has applied for life imprisonment for the two defendants Wilfried W. and his ex-wife Angelika W. For years, the couple is said to have lured women into their home in Höxter and severely abused them mentally and physically. Two women from Lower Saxony died.

Wilfried W's defense lawyer had demanded on Thursday seven and a half years in prison and the introduction to psychiatry. W. had to be convicted of dangerous bodily harm and attempted murder.

In the video: The murders of Höxter (SPIEGEL TV from 08.05.2016)



The court wants to speak on 5 October a judgment in the case. This was announced by the chairman of the judiciary Bernd Emminghaus. After completing the pleadings, the two defendants still have the option of the last word this Friday. The defendant had announced in advance that it would take a whole day for it.