"Laima has a residence permit in Russia and has a work permit for 10 years. We work legally, we pay taxes, let them check if it is necessary for someone, "RIA Novosti quotes him.

Earlier, the head of the working group on crime in the economy of the public council at the Moscow Interior Ministry's Moscow Office Alexander Khaminsky announced that audits of performers' concert activity in Russia, including regarding the legality of Vaikule's speeches.

At the same time, as noted, deputy chairman of the public council Valery Gribakin told TASS that Khaminsky expressed his opinion as a private person. According to Gribakin, this topic was not considered at the meetings of the public council.

Producer Iosif Prigozhin commented in a conversation with the NSO Laima Vaikule, who said she refused to visit the Crimea.