Former US presidential aide, former diplomat and national security council member Dennis Ross, said there would be another inter-Korean summit, and he expected uncertainty and continued uncertainty, and there would be no drastic changes.

As for Iran, Ross believes that officials in this country will not return to the negotiating table as the nuclear program goes smoothly, but the Iranians may return to the negotiating table mediated by Russia because of the pressures they may find themselves in. Ross expects an escalation between Hezbollah and Israel over their efforts to develop a number of rockets.

"Trump, who defines himself as a victor and not running for president again, will be a recognition of defeat," Ross said.

This came during the "State of the World Policy in 2019" session of the Arab Strategic Forum, which was attended by the Director General of the Emirates Diplomatic Academy, Bernardino Leon, and Professor of International Relations at the London School of Economics and Political Science, Dr. Fawaz Gerges.

"This year is a transitional year, not a year of change," Bernardino Leon said. "There is a judo game between Russia and the world because Putin is really playing this game and politics.

The United States and China will have a wrestling game without hitting each other directly. Duke wrestling among politicians in the United States. Trump will have an aggressive political line next year so more conflicts can be seen.

"The far right will bring momentum to Europe, especially Britain and France," said Dr. Fawaz Gerges. The upcoming European Union elections will bring about major changes, McCron's remaining 50% of the presidency, and Marie Le Pen may be the next president.

"The more serious situation is the situation between Lebanon and Israel, and we may see new developments on this scene," he said. "We expect more hope for Yemen, where there will be an improvement in the situation."