To bear the name of Hallyday is to bear a name "which symbolizes music", says David Hallyday. It is also a name that obviously refers to his father, Johnny Hallyday, who died just over a year ago. His son, invited Saturday of the show There is not a life in life, shortly after the release of his album I have something to say to you , returned with modesty on this difficult year, marked by mourning but also the judicial conflict between him and his sister Laura, his ex-mother-in-law Laeticia.

"It's worse". The title of his album, composed in early 2018 just after the death, and the songs it contains, reflects his feelings. "This is not the first album where I have something to say, of course the lyrics are loaded because the time I composed it is a period that marks a human being." The singer also shouts the fact that he could not see his father in the last days of his life. "It adds a lot of pain, it's already violent enough to lose a loved one, and in those circumstances it's worse, it just adds to the pain."

"I made it a universal theme". In the song Eternel , if no name is mentioned, we can see the figure of his mother-in-law Laeticia: "I made all the bridges / Let's talk / Silence of lead / At the stone tombale / You can stop me / Holding your hand / Nothing can blow / The flame from where I come.

At the microphone of Europe 1 either, he does not quote but agrees that the lyrics are "very explicit.Of course, we live strong moments, it goes through strong words.I do not turn around the bush. took my personal experience and made it a universal theme, "says the artist who is still negotiating with Laeticia about his father's artistic legacy.

"Until proven otherwise, it's my father." He would like to have some kind of control over the management of the image, the use of the work and the musical heritage of Johnny. "Until proven otherwise, it's my father. (...) My father was someone great, loving, he gave a lot to everyone. important because it has to be this image that has been peddled, its fans loved it for that too and I think it's the role of the people who still love it and who will always love it to continue this image, to say the man he was and not the man he was not, that's what drives me, "concludes David Hallyday.