The EU issued a statement in connection with the five-year anniversary of the referendum in Crimea, reaffirming its commitment to the policy of not recognizing its results and the further application of sanctions against Russia. "The EU remains committed to fully implementing its non-recognition policy, including restrictive measures," said Federica Mogherini, head of European diplomacy, on behalf of the EU.

And it is true. The EU is truly committed, for the EU is a globalist bureaucratic superstructure, created to include Europe in the mondialist project of creating a so-called one world under the leadership of the world government, the prototype of which the EU’s current bureaucrats sleep and see. True, the unified and global world so far includes only Europe itself, controlled by the EU, and America, as well as several G7 countries that joined them, that is, an absolute minority of humanity, but this does not seem to confuse them.

By and large, the EU is a representative office of European forces, created after World War II and subordinating the peoples of Europe, seemingly barely liberated, to the new owner - the cosmopolitan oligarchic elite, who took control of the world through the tools of transnational corporations. The current European commissioners are a kind of new globalists Gauleiters, who are strictly looking to ensure that Europe brings the maximum income to its new enslavers.

As part of this globalist approach, these overseers on Europe on behalf of transnational capital and evaluate all the major world events, giving them assessments (but supposedly on behalf of the whole of Europe) on the rights of the new owners who own it. And they do not care that the peoples of Europe themselves have a different opinion and express it (for lack of other ways to somehow get to their global top) on the streets, building barricades and breathing in tear gas from the police forces of globalization.

This Europe, driven into a slavish state of Europe, differs almost in its opinion from its current globalist elite. And it’s so hard and categorical that it is ready to fight for its opinion (which, however, is absolutely ignored), getting injured, injured from rubber bullets, injured by police batons, but still insisting that it’s not an artificial globalist superstructure. European nations must determine their fate.

The way Europe’s overseers see Europe and its functions, and what European citizens think about it, is polar and irreconcilable. And if Mogherini says that the EU is committed to a policy of not recognizing the outcome of the Crimean referendum, this highest form of democratic manifestation of the will of the people, the majority of the European population, considered by the commissars of globalization as a wordless plebs, is completely in favor.

The peoples of Europe for the referendum in the Crimea, for the direct and united in their aspirations manifestation of the will of the Crimean people to reunite with their homeland - the big Russia - and for the recognition of the results of this referendum completely and forever.

If it comes to that, this voluntaristic transfer of the Crimea by the party head of the so much-hated in the West CPSU from the RSFSR to the Ukrainian SSR was a completely undemocratic act. Although it is not their business. But nothing can be more absolute and unshakable for the democrats, in whose clothes the current globalist gauleiters dress up than the referendum. However, this does not fit in with the globalist project, the goal of which was to turn the Crimea into an unsinkable American aircraft carrier, and here there is already any sort of democracy.

Yes, most European politicians are raised by globalists. The unwanted were broken or marginalized, the supple and the weak-willed were bought up or seduced by other benefits. Globalists have been working on Europe for decades, subordinating it to their will and driving their ugly project into a post-human melting pot. But there are other politicians in Europe who do not accept liberal globalist experiments on European nations, and there are more of them.

And while the androids of the European bureaucracy, sitting in the European Chancellery, like the institutes murmur the same thing, endlessly replicating statements, resolutions and directives (“on the increasing militarization of the peninsula”, “on the deterioration of the human rights situation”, “on pressure on the Crimean Tatar community ”), One delegation of European politicians and deputies after another visits Crimea and witness the changes taking place with their own eyes.

For example, at the invitation of Leonid Slutsky, head of the international committee of the State Duma, on the five-year anniversary of the referendum, Thierry Mariani visited Crimea with a delegation of European politicians, who, unlike EU bureaucrats, on the contrary, believes that Crimea is successfully developing thanks to reunification with Russia. “We saw with our own eyes how happy you are to return to Russia,” said Mariani, speaking at a rally in Sevastopol, “because the Crimea is Russia.” He noted significant changes in the development of the region. "We see how the region has changed, we see that the Crimea is moving forward," said Mariani. These are exactly the statements, and not the dry clerical chatter of the European commissioners, that expresses the position and opinion of the European majority.

“The general impression is the same: as part of Russia, Crimea turned from a sleeping beauty, as Mariani described his 23-year stay in Ukraine, into a dynamically developing region that has all the prospects of becoming the Black Sea Côte d'Azur,” Leonid Slutsky told about the visit.

Of course, it is foolish to expect that the current globalists in power in the EU recognize the Crimea. They are not for it to be seated, programmed and stitched to break and get out of control of still very influential and strong globalist structures. In the end, if some element or even a whole node of the European bureaucracy breaks down or begins to fail, it is promptly cut out and replaced with a new one.

Failure is not a globalist machine, but the peoples of Europe, taking to the streets, the peoples of America choosing Trump, the peoples of other states, are tricked and cunning (and even by force, like a bombed-out and occupied Japan) driven into a globalist project. It is they, the peoples, who do not want globalization anymore, but they want to live freely, and that is why globalism is experiencing its decline.

Tomorrow new politicians will come to the place of the limp androids of the European bureaucracy - living people. They will come straight from European streets and squares in a cloud of tear gas and smelling the fumes of burning cars, wounded and maimed with batons and rubber bullets, but the unconquered peoples of Europe will enter the European cubicles to declare their will. It will be quite soon. And then the Crimea will be definitively and irrevocably recognized as part of big Russia, even in Europe - unconditionally and for centuries.

The point of view of the author may not coincide with the position of the editors.