If I were a deputy, I would certainly introduce the following initiative. A dry squeeze out of it would have sounded like this: “All statements made by state officials that seemed to someone absurd, unreasonable or causing reputational harm to the authorities should be considered out of context and not discussed.” And it is possible to legitimize the post - contextual studies. A certain boss blundered some stupidity, and the contextualist already explains and chews that he didn’t control his high rank, and you, foolish ones, understood his good intentions and didn’t interpret it.

So what do we have? And we have the statement of the speaker of the Novgorod Duma, Mrs. Elena Pisareva. It was about a national project on demography and mechanisms that allow young families to feel tangible state support. Namely, about the payment of 100 thousand rubles for the birth of the first child and the conditions for receiving this payment. This is how Mrs. Pisareva sees it: “You and I should clearly understand that after 30 years a woman understands that she no longer needs money, but needs a baby whom she will love.”

Elena Vladimirovna, I will tell you one little secret. Money is always needed and practically everyone who walks the planet Earth. I don’t have the habit of counting other people's money, but judging by the information that my colleagues have got, they don’t have too tight a pocket for you either. And young mummies reap the more will not. Regardless of how much mommy is 21 or 32. Yes, I can give you an example. Imagine a young mother who flings open the door of the apartment and shouts from the doorway: “Yura, look at what kind of lingerie I bought for beautiful Anna for the bed!” But everything might look different. Dimly, without joyful shouts, emotions and beautiful linen. Because there was not enough money for a beautiful one and there is nothing to brag to Yura.

Now about age qualification. I remember very well the times when the formula “married - gave birth” was brought to life by still very young mothers and fathers. And it was really beautiful, because the Union knew how to take care of children. Yes, and then someone lived well, someone worse, but the phrase "As long as we can not afford a child," if it sounded, it is extremely rare. Now it sounds often, and just recently I heard it from my friend, who is a little over 30. And to be honest, I felt hurt and a little uncomfortable.

Times have changed, and now the Western family planning model has worked. Some of the girls openly say that they want to make a career, and then give birth, someone has failed to burn clubs, someone is looking for a rich fiancé.

And with a payment of 100 thousand rubles for a first-born, if a woman gives birth to 30, you cannot break this life philosophy, Elena Vladimirovna. Because it dictated the new structure of society and the notorious market.

Now about "taken out of context." To do this, I just have to quote Elena Pisareva, who believes that journalists did not quite correctly address her: “The initiative’s goal is to stimulate the birth of children on Novgorod’s land, to improve the living conditions of families who give birth . We have 67% of mothers who need this support at this age. It is perceived well, it is not clear why someone from journalists pulled the phrase out of context. If we are talking about women after 30 years, we understand that definitely, the best period for giving birth to children is up to the age when there are no chronic diseases, when a woman is healthy, so that the baby is really healthy. We also want pretty, healthy children to be born to women after 30 years. But basically this is the category of the population that is very much waiting for this baby, and for these women (I talk to them every week) the most important desire is to become a mother. This is a great happiness, to give love to a child - the most important thing that should happen to a woman. ”

You know, I read it three times and realized that the Speaker of the Novgorod Duma, Elena Vladimirovna Pisareva, first of all needed to understand that the position denoted by the English word “speaker” implies not only brilliant speaking. The fact is that with her acquittal she rejected even more mothers from themselves, who did not have time to give birth to 30, more boldly outlining the features of age discrimination. In general, at least do not write anything. All one will say: tore out of context, like a shred of wool from a dog.

The point of view of the author may not coincide with the position of the editorial board.