This quiz first appeared in 2012. We have updated it and hope you enjoy the advice.

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Even days before Christmas, the head is full - no, not with gift ideas, but with the food-to-do list. At the top are the dumplings of the father, followed by the turkey roast of the mother. Even the rascals of the aunt must be tried, as well as the poppy seeds of the grandmother. And the homemade chocolates of the sister-in-law!

After all, Christmas is only once a year, the rest of the 362 days, the candy at most on obligatory Christmas family photos. Luckily, the body seems to scream.

Although some typical food sins can be treated with the help of science. The good red wine, for example, is considered a medicine for connoisseurs. Chocolate has a reputation for making you happy, maybe it can even lower your blood pressure. For other Christmas treats, however, it looks bad. For example, the goose with particularly thick fat pads protects itself from starvation - hardly an animal on our diet is fuller.

After a long feast, a walk with the family should be on the program. It accelerates the digestion and helps against the feeling of having just swallowed a medicine ball. In addition, the walk has another, good effect: it contributes to the - on the holidays so important - relaxation. In the case of the frequently advertised digestive liquor, however, scientists have so far failed to show any positive effect - it even slows the stomach down.

The contemplative part of Christmas celebrations begins for many couples and families long before Christmas Eve's first feast day. The Christmas tree wants to be decorated, the church bells ring for the service, the adult children settle after a year break again in their nursery. It should be comfortable, informal - but this does not always work. According to a survey of 3,000 British couples, as many as 20 percent argue over the holidays.

In the Christmas quiz you can test how much you know about feasts, contemplative moments and relaxation - and what they do with the body. How much fat does a roast goose contain? How long does the digestion have to work to get a rich festive meal through the stomach and intestines? Why do you get sick so often when you finally find peace after a stressful time? And are more children conceived at Christmas than usual in the year?

By the way, you will also learn bizarre facts, with which you can shine in the Christmas round. But you can not do one thing: let your calories and fat spoil your enjoyment. It's not the three Christmas holidays that are detrimental to health, experts preach again and again. These are the 362 remaining days of the year. The ones where you can ever create the food-to-do list for Christmas. But only in the head.

Click here for the quiz.