Listen to the world change with Sophie Larmoyer. Around the world, Europe 1 reporters and correspondents explore and tell the daily life of other cultures, their perceptions of the news and our country. Long-format reports and exciting guests. A sound journey to open the mind and discover the unknown.

Sudan rises

This is a historic moment in Sudan. After four months of demonstrations, President Omar Al-Bashir was overthrown by the Sudanese people, the end of 30 years of dictatorship. The "Transitional Military Council" that recovered power promised dialogue and the formation of a civilian government. A page is turning for the Sudanese but many questions remain unanswered about a real democratic transition ...

- Decryption with Rashid Saeed Yagoub , Sudanese journalist, former diplomat and spokesman of the Association of Sudanese professionals, at the heart of the challenge.

- Itw Clément Deshayes , researcher at the University of Paris 8, specialist in Sudan and protest movements

The athletes of the Vatican

It's a first ! Since January 1st, the Vatican has its sports team. By crossing each other in the morning while jogging, these religious and lay people working for the Vatican State decided to form an official team to run together. That's how "Athlética Vaticana" was born. Those already nicknamed "the marathoners of the pope" ran their first marathon in the streets of Rome Sunday, April 7 ... Waiting to see one day, perhaps, the yellow and white flag of the Vatican on an Olympic podium!

- Report and decryption of Blandine Hugonnet , correspondent in Rome

A book in the world

Head to Ireland with Nicolas Carreau who met the great Irish writer Donal Ryan, finalist of the prestigious Man booker Prize in 2013. In his new novel, the heroine Melody Shee, a teacher in a small Irish town, learns that she is pregnant . A disaster since she is pregnant with her 17-year-old student, who is also a member of the Traveler community. Put in the ban of society, the story then plunges into the heart of the subject: the violence of human relationships.

- " All we will know " Donal Ryan Albin Michel Editions. Marie Hermet Translation

The waste recycling crisis ...

... in the United States, we do not know what to do plastic

Since China decided to stop importing American waste, the country realizes that it does not know how to recycle and has to deal with an unprecedented management crisis of their detritus. In Philadelphia, half of the recyclable waste is even incinerated! The locals discover that their sorted bins end up with ordinary rubbish. It's time for awareness in the country ... And already some solutions ... like this company that offers a sustainable packaging service and reusable: The Loop.

- Reporting and decryption of Xavier Yvon corresponding to the United States

... and in China, Thailand and Germany

China does not want to be "the trash of the world" anymore. Until now, the country recycled almost 90% of the planet's waste! Even if they remain one of the biggest polluters on the planet, the Chinese have become aware of the need to protect their environment.

Bales of plastic waste have been deported to other countries in Asia ... and Thailand has seen waste imports increase by more than 1300%! A disaster for this country, which already announces that it will also close its doors. For its domestic waste, Thailand has a real know-how in recycling through its network of ragpickers.

In Europe, the surprise comes from Germany, precursor in recycling and claiming its reputation of country "green". Yet the recycling rate of plastic does not exceed 6%! A figure that shocked the Germans.

- Decryption of Sébastien Le Belzic , correspondent in China

- Decryption of Carol Isoux , correspondent in Thailand

- Decryption of Hélène Kohl , correspondent in Germany

Autistan Travel

Josef Schovanec , philosopher-traveler and autistic sprinkler shares with us his view of the world, a little different ...

While traveling in the Indian Ocean, Josef Schovanec is looking for a nice place to put his suitcases ... A nice place to live when you are autistic. And when Josef asks himself such questions, it gives rise to a geographical analysis of space, especially in those who have experienced colonization and slavery. A rewarding reflection on the distribution of places of life.