Husnain R. has been imprisoned for a long time because he has inter alia called for a terrorist attack on little Prince George. A court in London sentenced the 32-year-old to life imprisonment for preparing a terrorist offense, but at least 25 years in prison.

The supporter of the terrorist militia Islamic State (IS) had shared a photo of the four-year-old and the address of his school in the news app Telegram.

According to the presiding judge, the convict has made it clear that "Prince George and other members of the royal family should be seen as potential targets," said the BBC among others. The accused Briton had previously been the call for attack already.

George is the son of Prince William and Duchess Kate. He is after grandfather Prince Charles and his father the third in the line of succession.

R. is also said to have called for attacks with poisoned ice cream and attacks on football stadiums. In addition, he wanted to travel to Syria and join the IS.

He also worked on an online magazine with tips for potential individuals who plan attacks. The jobless web designer was arrested last November.