The most fateful events of the modern history of our country took place 25 years ago - the October uprising, the adoption of the Constitution and the elections to the first State Duma. Both the first, and the second, and the third are interrelated events, integral, indistinguishable one from another. Today it is customary to criticize the main law of the country, but you should always consider the time and circumstances under which it was adopted. And he was taken against the background of the White House still stinking of fumes - Russia almost stepped into the hot arms of the civil war. It is not customary to recall this when discussing certain paragraphs of the Constitution - there was no October.

No, no, he was, and personally, in the confrontation of the insurgent parliament and Boris Yeltsin, I would be supported by the parliament. But what to say, and now I support. At the same time, I am not in the thrall of idealism - Yeltsin turned out to be more pragmatic and more powerful than the talkers from the Supreme Soviet. The army and the Ministry of Internal Affairs remained with Yeltsin — my dear friend, General Makashov, was unable to lift aircraft into the sky. It so happened that the popular uprising of October lost - lost physically, but not mentally. What does it mean? It's simple: the whole split empire was ready to rush into civil war. Terrible and unprecedented. “Revenge” was not at all an empty word.

Against the background of all this dynamite time, the Constitution was adopted, which ensured order and guaranteed the rights of all peoples of the Russian Federation. It is possible now to arbitrarily chuckle about individual, perhaps not entirely successful, positions, but this step was more than necessary — the country exhaled. And today, 25 years later, we already have a completely different country, which has managed to form, relying on this little booklet. This is what should be kept in mind when we talk about the bitter events of the time. Snow, ravens, hopelessness.

The State Duma also receives no less criticism than the basic law of the country — only the lazy one did not kick it. But that first caricature of the State Duma saved the country from the dictatorship, where Yeltsin was pushed by his entourage. The results are also indicative - well, you remember, in the elections of December 12, 1993, an absolute majority was taken by right-wing populist Vladimir Zhirinovsky, which shocked the Democrats who were convinced of their superiority.

This, by the way, is also an excellent marker showing the mood of those years. The people wanted the right Zhirinovsky, the promised bread and light army uniforms.

It is impossible to look at the first convocations now without tears - scuffle (with the participation of the same EXP), deputy Marychev with a rubber patch breast, deputy Nikolay Lysenko comes from the famous “Memory” society. Deputies of the first convocations told that shaved guys with RNE badges on their lapels guarded the entrance to the State Duma. If someone does not remember, the emblem of RNE was a stylized swastika. In the conference hall, in general, the devil knew what happened - the impression was that the “street” was launched at the NEP banquet. Of course, in those convocations there were honestly elected representatives of the people, but on the general background of the Makhnov rampant they faded. Well, boxes from under the copier, if someone suddenly forgot.

There was no question of any respect for this high state body. It is difficult to imagine that this pirate ship will be formalized in a civilized legislature, which today is at the forefront of inter-parliamentary cooperation. Could you imagine that the speaker of our parliament meets with foreign presidents, decides the affairs of the widest profile? But - decides. But in order to be so, one had to go through all these 25 years, the first ten of which were completely destructive for our country. So destructive that even in the CIA offices they have already written off Russia from all accounts. Today we are working on the bugs.

For example, the State Duma recently dealt with the red scoreboards of the exchange rate - the abominable symbol of the deception and impoverishment of the 1990s. And just recently, parliamentarians abolished the decision of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, condemning the Soviet soldiers-internationalists who fought in Afghanistan. The most absurd in essence and content of the resolution was made during perestroika, when everything sacred for the Russian and Soviet people was trampled upon. And the army has always been a special account. There is a lot of such work, not for one year, but the fact that such a policy is being pursued today makes us look into the future with cautious optimism.

Today, a lot can be said about the mistakes that occur in the work of parliament or the basic law. Indeed, 25 years in history is an insignificantly short period. At the same time, today we live in a completely different country - the legal country, which is provided by the Constitution; a country where people do not die of starvation ten meters from the Kremlin. When our liberal friends with intonations of circus barkers talk about the “saints of the nineties,” it becomes both funny and sad. And it’s sad because of how much everything our people had to endure so that today they carelessly curse parliament and the Constitution. Happy holiday, new Russia!

The point of view of the author may not coincide with the position of the editorial board.