News from the island

  • A bomb officer was killed near a church east of Cairo
  • Bolton in Israel to reassure her about the US withdrawal from Syria
  • Invitations to demonstrate today in Sudan and the government warns of "sabotage"
  • Bashir to ask him to step down: Prepare for the elections of 2020
  • Newspapers: Because of Israel, Egypt sought to prevent the broadcast of the interview, "CBS"

Despite the oppression and deprivation, a popular movement is formed to demand disobedience, to go out into the street and to fill the field, to push the bodies in the face of tyranny, despite the fear that the foundations of the pharaoh are manifested whenever the peoples' throats demand safety, the freedom that shook the kingdoms of their kingdoms of dollars of normalization; to this day, And the rulers of which the Sunnah of God Almighty, showing us the cause of humiliation that hit this nation.

He is the king who does with man what things do not do, he is the desire to possess that makes the dream worshiped and man is God, how can we be liberated and our advantage is still obsessed with things? Is it time for us to get rid of our desires in order to give our world eternal peace? We would have done this if the mind had not fixed the matter of life, controlled his desires and killed him as a prisoner, and perhaps the fancy was a king, and he gave the things dreams;

As the matter of the people is squeezed into the hands of the ruler, it is necessary to take the services of the parishioners and the wise to fill them, to open their mouths by raising the words or covering the reproach, fearing harm, such as filling Pharaoh with Moses. Towards tyranny, and to take him from the ranks of the guidance to the houses of the thrones and the armaments, so that he took from the soldiers a fortress to keep the kingdom of his kingdom, and our rulers hastened to serve him.

Since the Arab countries emerged from the coterie of colonial despotism, they have been floundering in the midst of ethnic conflicts, the undercurrents of backwardness and the violence of terrorism. For more than twenty years, the peoples of the region have been singing the song of exploitation

The creature is born on the opposites, the patient does not feed his patience until he is afraid, tyranny is a necessary attribute of the old man, which is a manifestation of the soul when the purpose of the intended, when the desire to fulfill his desire justified the self done, and here must be diligent to those motives that appear successively, recognition of guilt is not reflected in his image Unless the mind is blinded to the thing, it is - the mind _ has the keys to understand things in the exchange of its true meaning of the cause of its inception and the commissioning of it, to become recognition of sin resulting in irreparable harm, and this is the most effective people.

Therefore, the king remains as an image of oppression, fear and tyranny, the attribute of man's relationship to the end of creation, in which boredom is set or fallen, and in which the necks and stratification are destroyed. Politics and economics come within the rules of the king's game. Politics is the art of as much as possible. In many cases and across different times, the ruler was able to create a similarity to the system of continuity of tyranny, by controlling public property institutions for looting. The riches of the nations agreed The people of this region have been infiltrated, so many of them considered the first brick to overthrow tyranny. They are well aware that the essence of the dispute with the tyrant is the sharing of his will, and the will of the tyrant is free of delinquency. What!?

In this context and in answer to the question, we must move to our contemporary times, which witnessed different liberation movements of visions, and even difficult to judge them from a specific angle, even if the presentation is spectacular and delightful within the Chalonian complex which in turn controls the cultural capabilities of that category, It was a tool of civilization that gives man more space than a voice that is placed in a matrix of legal practices that are contrary to the principle of power trading.

The movements of the people created a kind of political opposition, some of which arose within military action during the period of colonial liberation. The transition from the militarization of values ​​to the privatization of politicians was one of the most important activities undertaken by the international community in the manner of renewed hegemony. Since the Arab countries emerged from the womb of colonialism, In the midst of ethnic conflicts, the ideologies of underdevelopment and the violence of terrorism. For more than twenty years, the peoples of the region have continued to sing the song of exploitation, after the humiliation of humiliation and humiliation. Arab Spring as an earthquake hit the foundations of knowledge production, which for decades has been looking for humanitarian solutions, and a social reality that guarantees the right to citizenship and a decent life, renounce violence and activate the policy of dialogue to engage in civilization.

The West, the product of the Enlightenment culture and the promoter of freedom, has remained in the grip of globalization, turning a blind eye to the excesses of tyrannical regimes in the world. They were imbued with the image of the intimate enemy, originally an instrument of capitalism that had divided geography and eroded historical heritage. At the first moral test, this is evident in Egypt after the election of Mohammed Morsi and then work to overthrow him because of the crisis of the constitutional declaration, left ElBaradei with the Salafist Nur Party a rebellion against what he called the constitutional coup calling for early elections and the resignation of President Mohamed Morsi did not go through a democratic process that produced a slight difference between Shafiq and Morsi, who showed the nostalgia of the tyrant after the coup and crowned Egypt's ruler, a left-wing ruler who stayed for months waiting for escape.

The situation was very different in Libya, because the division that overthrew the Republic of Fateh was preparing for the experiment within the Syrian geography. The Libyan National Council opposed the pretext of NATO intervention, citing the barbaric indiscriminate shelling of regular warplanes, killing Gaddafi and bringing in various forms of opposition, Which is plagued by regional functional calculations, and between those who seek to crystallize a hostile image of political Islam and those who cling to the gains of the February revolution. The oil pumps continue to produce barrels of forgiveness every day. Algeria remains cautious and somewhat distant against this dubious polarization A prophet calling for the collection of political parties and a table of national ownership beyond the tendency, calling on everyone to arbitration funds as a transitional stage to activate the work of state institutions.

What happened in the Arab world of events and the renewed mobility of yellow jackets and the uprisings of the Nile is a cultural inflection (floating political action) of oppressed people, fed up with mirrors that reject images of pluralism

The island

Tunisia survived the political impasse that engulfed the opposition in the historical conflict. As for Syria and Yemen, the worst human rights situation and the utter failure of the human values ​​system of the United Nations, warlords and arms dealers turned to opposing political leaders, The role of salient negotiators, instead of political, economic and trade union experts, has been, through the theory of "consumption of the revolution," the creation of a kind of capitalist rivalry that has allowed the opening of moral indebtedness as a catalyst for the continuation of revolutionary action. At the same time, in conjunction with the conferences of armament and financial flow, the letters of persecution were draining the values ​​of political assimilation into mere military action.

The violent reaction between the parties to the conflict within Syria is, from an institutional perspective, an exhaustion of the political performance of a culture of "freedom and freedom" of the post-colonial opposition. If France, in its civilizational size, faces popular rebel movements struggling to break the political rhetoric between the Republican People's Assembly The French to isolate President Emmanuel Macaron or to hold a referendum on environmental and tax policies, the boys of tyranny strives to contribute to the development of proposals and provide cultural services follow the studies carried out by the labs, and if the Arab Spring with its frightening machines showed only Violence between the parties to the internal conflict as portrayed by those with balanced actions, the role of peoples is the practice of floating political representation within the institutions of despotic regimes, not revolutionary work that the young men of the afternoon rush to offer offerings to the tyrant.

What happened in the Arab world of events and the renewed mobility of yellow jackets and the uprisings of the Nile, whose politicians did not learn after their countries could avoid political tensions in the speed of holding a referendum or isolating the tyrant or early elections as called by the extreme right / left in France, Political action) of oppressed people, fed up with mirrors that reject images of pluralism, opposition opposing the regime, and if the king is the first seeds of the class struggle of the human group, work on the takeover / overcoming forgotten voices, and push forward to dilute the opposition and make it The opium of revolutions and popular uprisings against tyranny, refers me to more violent and dangerous scenes of violence in our Arab world. In return, British Foreign Minister Jeremy Hunt declares to the free world that Assad is in power.