News from the island

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This article has revealed to you some truths that have been hidden from the hearts of the worshipers by their distance from the faith. For faith is the separation between the worshiper and the worshiper. The realization of the faith in the heart of the slave, even by an atom, will enable him to carry out the setbacks of this world. Which is in the heart of the slave, it is weak by the power of setbacks, and God loves the strong believer who strengthens those setbacks and tests that show the strength of faith of weakness.

The first thing that the existence of faith requires is disbelief. Atonement for what? By any idol whether he was a guardian, loved, followed. Therefore, Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): " Whoever disobeys the tyrants, " whoever says, "There is no god" is not a true idol in this world, whether in belief or love. After disbelief comes faith, faith in what? Faith in the neighborhood, and the living is the one who does not die. Therefore, Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): "He believes in Allah ". Whoever says: "Except Allah" is truly the idol. It is disbelievers other than God and believed that worship is the right of God alone, it has proven the first degrees of faith is "no god but God" and that this degree does not refute it is a denial of all the tyrant and confirmed the right of God alone worship. Therefore Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): " Whoever disbelieves in the tyrant and believes in Allah, he will hold on to the firm and unbreakable bond ."

At present, I see many of the relationships that God has denied in our Muslim societies. The love that some young men and women take from my generation or larger or smaller may reach the point where the faith in the heart is broken. After the young man loves a young woman so love, the degree of the love of the woman that weakens his faith may reach the end of faith and the attachment of the heart creature without the Creator, that the young Zl heart by leaving the attachment to the Creator who benefits and directed to the creature that does not benefit,

Patience and faith are two factors are not separated from each other All that increased your faith in God increased your patience in adversity and adversity, and the strongest distinguishing between the people of faith and the people of hypocrisy are the rituals in which the hardships

So all the heart is related to this creature and think about it and the belief that he will bring him the benefit of the life of this world and will make happiness in his heart. Therefore, Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): " And from the people who take God without them are men who love them as the love of God. " These are not the people of faith that God wants; God wants those who love Him with love that no one loves for his loved ones. Therefore Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): " Those who believe are more in love with God . " The perfection of submission to the beloved is the perfection of love, if the beloved person was your faith as weak as you submit to this man receive humiliation, although the beloved is God was your faith as strong as you submit to God and received pride, because attachment to something imperfect is not entirely attached.

Faith means denying any trap in worship and belief. Belief is the key to faith. It is believed that there is no one who can do the affirmative deeds to God. He has involved a greater evil that he has brought out of faith, and who believes that there is one reason for happiness or misery in this world. A smaller company that brought it out of the power of faith to its weakness.

And the people of faith who are mentioned by God in his book are those who do not associate with any of the species that I have mentioned. This shirk is an injustice to their faith and weakness. Allaah has promised the believers (believing that there is no shirk) in security in this world and in money, The path of truthfulness and righteous people, God Almighty said: ( Those who believe and did not wear their faith in the injustice of those who have security and they are guided ). It was narrated that 'Abd-Allaah ibn Mas'ood (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: When those who believed and did not wear their faith in injustice did not make it up to the companions of the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and said: (Peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "It is not as you think, but it is as Luqman said to his son: ' My son, do not associate with Allaah, shirk is a great injustice. '" Narrated by al-Bukhaari and Muslim.

The most powerful thing that distinguishes between the people of faith and the people of hypocrisy is the rituals in which there are hardships. When Moses went and said to his people of the children of Israel to enter the land And he said to the people of the hypocrisy to enter the door, if you enter it, then you will prevail and trust in God if you are believers, then They answered the people of hypocrisy and said Moses to go is his Lord to fight these people, and they sat with the laggards for fear and hypocrisy.

( 21) They said, O Moses, that there are some mighty men in us, and we will not enter them until they come out of them, so that they may come out of them. We are inside. 22 Two men who fear God's grace have entered them. (23) They said, O Moses, we are not We will never enter them as long as they are in them, and you and your Lord will go and fight .

The people of faith rely on God alone and on nothing else. Whoever is alone in God trusts, God increases his faith as much as trusting Him, and He binds it firmly to faith. Whoever does not trust in God has no faith


We note first that the children of Israel believe in God in a faith and duty and love to live up to what God and His Messenger ordered, but this ritual ritual of jihad shows the truth of faith in the hearts of the slaves. We note in the verses that lack of faith and weakness brings with it the fear and panic of the people of falsehood. The heart is awe and fear of the people of falsehood and when the people of falsehood believe that those who claim to themselves that they are the people of faith fear them to increase strength.

We also see that the two men who are truly believers are afraid, afraid of what? Who are the people of falsehood? No, they fear God. The fear of God is more fearful than the people of falsehood, so faith in their hearts and proven strength and determination and intention in the jihad for the sake of God, we also note that they are two of the children of Israel who responded to God and His Messenger is a sign that the people of hypocrisy more than the people of faith number, and these two men know that The people of faith rely on God alone and on nothing else. Whoever is alone in God's trust, God increases his faith as much as trusting Him.

If the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was among us and ordered us to fight in the cause of Allah to remove the Children of Israel from the Holy Land, would we say to him, "You and your Lord are fighting? Or will we be in the footsteps of the Companions, may Allah be pleased with them, who feared that they would write from the people of hypocrisy when Allah did not fear the people of falsehood? Do not fight people who have broken their faith and they are out of the Prophet and they start the first time you fear them, God is better to fear him if you are believers ) Here again bind God to fear of faith who feared the people of falsehood more than fear of God is weak faith and God does not love the weak believer. If you do not talk to yourself about jihad in the name of Allah, know that you are not among the people of faith, as the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "Whoever dies and does not dare, and does not do the same to him, dies on a division of hypocrisy." Narrated by Muslim.