In the freestyle "Miss Germany", the candidates will no longer be in swimwear. Instead, the women present from the election in 2019 in a summer outfit, as the organizers announced. "We do not need swimwear to really get to know the participants," said "Miss Germany" Managing Director Max Klemmer. "We want to turn Miss Germany into a personality, and the bikini round was not very relevant."

The innovation should also apply to the men. Accordingly, the "Mister Germany" candidates will now wear jeans and summery shirts in the former swimwear round.

The decision also reacts to the social development of recent years. "We do not just want to see some top model, but someone who can represent Germany," said Klemmer. In addition to the summer wardrobe, there will be an interview with the candidates in the upcoming Miss election, in which they should explain their political views.

Also, the "Miss America" ​​in the US will soon be elected without swimwear round. However, this had nothing to do with the decision of the German counterpart, said Klemmer.

"A good body and a healthy lifestyle"

Despite the new dress code and the emphasis on personality, the appearance of the candidates in the "Miss Germany" election will continue to play a role, Klemmer said. "Of course, having a good body and a healthy lifestyle continues to be a requirement." The beauty queen should also fulfill a role model function.

"Miss Germany" is according to the organizers of the oldest beauty contest in Germany, it exists since 1927. Every year. The candidates for the "Miss Germany 2019" are determined since March in city-Miss elections. The winners take part in the competitions for the Miss Elections.

The 16 winners will then qualify for a three-week camp in February 2019, during which they will receive training in Social Media and Knigge courses, among others. At the end of February 2019, a jury in the Europa-Park in Rust will choose the successor of the current "Miss Germany", the student Anahita Rehbein from Stuttgart.