By force, four unknown persons have allegedly rammed the front door of a jewelry store in Bamberg. At four o'clock in the morning, they drove backwards to the downtown store with a stolen SUV.

In the shop they opened showcases and stole watches and jewelry of "considerable value," as it was called in a police bulletin. The perpetrators escaped unrecognized, only the SUV was found.

On Monday morning, employees of the Wasserschifffahrtsamt discovered during work on the rake in an inflow to the Main-Danube Canal backpacks in which were Aufbruch tool and mostly empty jewelry containers. Among other things, the police searched for the perpetrators with a police helicopter - so far without result.

The jewelery shop at the entrance to the pedestrian zone mainly manages jewelery and watches from the luxury segment and, according to the police, has already been the target of a robbery in the past. The property damage is estimated to be at least 20,000 euros.

Thief ropes off with sheets and crashes

A burglar in Hesse was less fortunate: On Sunday evening in Frankfurt am Main, a 34-year-old with knotted bed sheets went down a façade. Via a balcony on the fifth floor he entered business premises on the lower floor. There he managed to withdraw money from the cash register. but he triggered a burglar alarm.

When the thief tried to flee the same way when the police arrived, he crashed. He dropped onto a stacked cardboard cart that dampened the impact a little. Nevertheless, he was seriously injured and had to be taken to the hospital.

The failed burglary occurred on the shopping street Zeil in the Frankfurt city center. Against the alleged perpetrators from Maintal is now determined.