Arsenal hosts Chelsea, who will attack who will defend? Who will own the acquisition and lose? Who will get the least of it and win? What we have been asking for over the past few years, here was Wenger, and there was de Matteo, Mourinho, Conte and so on. Here the ball of the beautiful offensive ball was useless, and there was enough ugliness to reach the podium every now and then, but the seats were easy and fast to switch those days in the ball world. The Gnars go out with a clean net against the Blues, defeating their London rivals with only 36% of the takeover.

Formation of teams and evaluation of players (Hoscord)

On the chessboard ..

In preparation for that match, Emery did not need what Marcelo Bielsa did with Leeds. You know the way Sari is before the match starts a month? 4-3-3, Giorinho distributes the passes from the rear, Kanti right and Kupacic left, the traditional defense quadrant, Hazard at the center of the imaginary striker because Sari has realized he does not have a real or even a virtual attacker, nothing new at all, all you have to do is Know where to eat obvious defects of an unstable system.

For this reason, Almasa was the solution, a flexible and ideal choice, versatile and defensive. The two players in the middle provide you with depth filling and coverage of the launches. At the same time, Ramsey messes with the main engine hiding deep in the back. Torrera is right to disturb his left-leaning tendencies, while Pelerin sets out to violate the offensive and offensive defensive front of Alonso.

Did that mean Imri was going to defend? It was true that he was afraid and turned to defense and reservation in the second half, but that came after he achieved all his goals in the first half, he completely succeeded in killing the keys to play Chelsea and eat all the disadvantages of his system and drink to score two goals, To do more, his plan on the chessboard was 100% successful for 45 minutes.

The reality has changed, but not so sharply, Arsenal was pressing superbly from the front, Obamiang continue his favorite hobby of wasting easy opportunities for adults, the Gunners had the majority of attempts (10 shots half on goal) against 6 shots - in a tragic number - The goal. All that has changed is that Chelsea have become the only party. Emery has set up a full-fledged trap, while Sari has just fallen into oblivion.

Exchange masks

A cross from Pelerin starts with nine players from Chelsea, unlike the goalkeeper inside the penalty area, for 5 points. They reach LaCaete, which is controlled by a great player, Pedro quickly dribbles, runs Alonso as though he did not exist at the base, and impresses brilliantly in the narrow corner of Kiba. Blame easily, but when the numerical difference is such a painful defeat, the real culprit is the organization. The game started from a corner, and the number of times Sari was challenged because of his way of defending the area against the almost endless corners.

The moment Pelerin played for the show before the first goal

After the goal Arsenal shrank relatively and Chelsea began a temporary and miserable revolution at the same time, Arsenal, who was more than the mistakes of individual defense, was the most advantage of the blue defense gazes that night .. The ball will now reach Socrates on the left end of the region, In the quarter-finals, Chelsea's Cassiellini is in the penalty area, with four-pointers David Luiz and Rodegger having the best defense and best in the headers, right back Azzilikwita, closest to Coxelini.

The ball is on the way to Socrates, and four are stacked in front of the goal recorder

Socrates picked up the ball and sent it from one touch: Louise and Rodegger moved forward, Azbilekwita moved forward and left Coxelini, who was the candidate for losing the air conflict in front of him anyway, and Kouvacic was watching him now, let alone control the rest of the air already ..

The moment Socrates received the ball and was ready to send it to Coxelini

As Kusielny progresses to meet the ball, even Kouvacic no longer exists. Azbiliecueta has discovered that something is happening, while Louise and Rodegger have exchanged the Ops look, ending the scene with the Arsenal captain and the ball alone, separated only by a line of six yards.

Before fractions of scoring the second goal

Numbers and numbers

Arsenal have made great progress and it's time for a real exchange of masks, welcome with Mr. Onay Emery's bus. 3 shots for the Gunners, zero on goal, vs 7 for Chelsea, which includes his only shot throughout the game on goal, Chelsea striker hit once on goal throughout the derby, do not really dream to yourself, no Alonso on the bar and no other will be pleased to this shameful offer ..

No changes will also benefit. Just watching for 63 minutes and then moving with a purely regenerative change, Barclay's move at the expense of Kouvacic will not change things. The first positive step was the departure of Giro instead of Willian, although the latter was the most engaged in the game with 5 key passes, It was the first with the transfer of Willian to the right, but it is just the shells at the end, the team needs a head to end any accidental or take any defender away from the successor coming from behind, neither of which did not come in the end.

Here, a stunning match from the Arsenal defense as a whole must be praised, but only bad news of the injury of Pélère, who succeeded in his attempts to intervene and 3 objections and the industry of the first goal, Socrates, one of the leading men of intervention, met him 4 out of 4 equally with Colasinac, The only one with 3 ballistic objections and 13 points in the lead by more than double, a game that the latter has not played for a long time.

Nine of the 12 out-of-12 outbursts of physical exertion came from the middle, while Jindozzi came in a different but respectful match. He succeeded in 3 objections and 5 interventions, while the most dodgy list came out with five failed interventions. "Most of the air conflicts play away from Rodgier and Louise, and if they have the chance to take part, they watch the air as we said, or watch each other, whatever." Louis did not take part in any aerial conflict throughout the match while Alonso won 3 out of 7 And Azbeliquita 4 from 6.

On the wrong road .. Absolutely !

Chelsea are not on the right track, or have no stable style but the Sari method, which is not changing, but it is not a big problem in itself. The only goal for this season is to qualify for the Champions League and lay the groundwork as much as possible. In Pep Guardiola I and II With Manchester City the best lesson and scale, from fourth place to the occupation of England as a whole ..

So there may be no problem when Sari comes out angry after the game, and his players are accused of losing motivation while not absolving himself of the responsibility for loss. That's great. We lose together and win together. But as we know the suffering of smokers with nicotine deficiency, Has lost its connection later for this reason ..

"The players do not have a winning mentality," "their mentality does not fit the top levels of football," "qualities do not change and require a long time to work on them," "the solution is a player who has a great personality within the locker room," expressions found in the following Sari comments for the match, But it is the problem of this kind of words, he does not prefer to say publicly in the media, but in the dressing rooms that need a great player.

It is not only the current time, the mentality and quality of the players, the appearance of the "beneficiaries" or what some call "the employees" to become the dominant factor in the game rather than the passion. It depends not only on the idea that every player has a wonderful season that considers himself a star In this way, we are actually here in Chelsea. In other words, the dressing room that toppled José Mourinho and Antonio Conte for the same reasons, and with all respect for Sari, he does not have half the history or titles of either.