The regime in ancient Egypt was a central system; it was represented in the king, who was a symbol around which all the authorities revolted. This system became a dominant ideology on religious grounds. The king considered himself the heir to the predecessors of the gods, as they believed, They considered him to be a divine divine figure. Therefore, it was not usual to wage a revolution against him, or to form an opposition front, no matter how unjust, and because the king was in error - in the eyes of the public - it was incumbent on the Egyptians - accordingly - total obedience and blind obedience.

Despite this sacred religious image adopted by the regime in Pharaonic Egypt, this did not prevent the existence of revolutions against some autocratic rulers, so that there is hardly any era of its era of revolution, be it social, political or economic, as well as The revolutions were not aimed at the political power of the king and only, but there were also revolutions against the religious authority of the chief priests, where this authority is so important that it became in a period of ancient Egypt a means to reach the Throne .

Despite the intensity of oppression and tyranny, as well as the elimination of the leader of the revolution, but the revolution did not die in the hearts of the Egyptians, where continued calm calm for four years, soon rebelled against this oppressor oppressor, and continued their revolution for ten consecutive years

It was the resistance of injustice and the defense of the oppressed meanings and concepts exist in the ancient Egyptian, especially among young people who carried the banner of the revolution against the evil tyrants, and did not fear their tyranny and tyranny, even though these tyrants faced the rebels with the most types of abuse and revenge .. But victory was finally their ally!

A stone tablet from the twenty-second century - nearly three thousand years ago - tells us that a king called Tklot II ruled Egypt and ruled for 10 years with little trouble. But as soon as he entered his eleventh year, , Who was the "chief priest of Amun" and was called "Nimroot", and because the king was taking over the religious authority and other executive and legislative powers, it was his powers to choose a successor to Nimrod, and the tradition required to choose one of four natural candidates to succeed "Nimroot", the king ignored these laws set, and chose someone else Without the four, a grandson called "and Sarkon," who was still a young child!

The revolution was used to differentiate between the four candidates, three of whom were appointed to senior positions. In the state, and singled out the fourth commander of the revolution, "Hur Sais" and with him from the revolutionaries crushed them and crushed them and Tnkila great and then executed and burned their bodies!

But despite the intensity of oppression and tyranny, as well as the elimination of the leader of the revolution, but the revolution did not die in the hearts of the Egyptians, where continued calm calm for four years, soon rebelled against this tyrant oppressor, and continued their revolution for ten consecutive years; Appointed "and Sarakun" who wanted to be inherited by his grandfather the rule of Egypt, and replaced him with the leader of their revolution, "Shashnq III," who received acceptance and welcome from the Egyptians and even supported him until the ruling came to power! What is strange is that the painting, which contained the text of this revolution story, was smuggled for decades to the Louvre Museum in France and now claims ownership!