LONDON (Reuters) - British millionaire Benjamin Slade, 72, has turned to television to announce his desire to get married on the UK Good Morning program. He said he had taken this step to make room for the largest number of women and from all over the world to write to him for this matter, adding that the mother of his choice would be a "lucky woman". But the old millionaire, descendant of King George IV, set out a set of basic conditions: not to exceed 35 years, to be a housewife, able to shoot and use weapons, in addition to knowledge of driving the helicopter and be able to have children, Burith.

According to the Daily Mirror newspaper, the woman chosen to be a millionaire is supposed to be a qualified designer and housekeeper because he is not even qualified to buy a carpet. The house needs to clean, organize and update the decor. He does not want to resort to professional services. Great and unjustified for their work. "