The actress finds for the third time the director Eric Lavaine for "Chamboultout", theaters Wednesday. A comedy based on a true story that questions friendship.


She dreamed of raising goats but a meeting at the Avignon Festival made her take the path of theater and cinema. After returning to my mother's house and the embarrassment of choice , Alexandra Lamy finds the director Éric Lavaine for the film Chamboultout , a comedy from a true story, which is released Wednesday. The two artists were for the occasion the guests of La table des bons vivants . And have proved gourmets.

Everyone seeks his description. In Chamboultout , the actress revealed twenty years ago in the miniseries A guy, a girl plays a strong woman who is supporting her husband, played by José Garcia, after an accident. He woke up blind, but he is as unpredictable as he is unfiltered and obsessed with food. To tell their story, the character of Alexandra Lamy writes a book where she tells the story of the accident and everything that has happened to them for five years. During a birthday weekend, the couple's friends read the book, search and discover each other over the pages, with more or less happiness. "Eric is a good observer of family, friends, highs, lows, pettiness, jealousies, ruminations and we find a little bit of everything in this film.This is a film tape but each character really exists, we recognize ourselves in each one ", describes the actress.

"I'm coming back with tons of food." Not as obsessed with food as his character, director Eric Lavaine nonetheless recognizes a keen interest in the pleasures of the table. The film, presented on tour in France has also allowed the director to skim all the markets of the territory. "I'm coming back with tons of food, that's why I take the train, because on the plane, we can not carry anything (...) I make movies because of these tours province. It's 45 cities, and there are small producers who bring us food, which is extraordinary, "enthuses the filmmaker who does not hesitate to go to the stove. "I have friends who never cook, I wonder how they can live."

At table as on a tray. Alexandra Lamy also lends herself to exercise when she has the time. "Sometimes I like to invent recipes, there's a period, I made a lot of crayfish chicken, I like to have fun when I'm in the south, try salty dishes. I am extremely nil.It is difficult because very precise, "slips the amateur frog legs in parsley and good wine. During the filming, it was also Eric Lavaine who chose and she who tasted, as to show that after three filming together, the two get along as well table as on a set.

The bon bons quiz

To better know them side fork, the actress and the director agreed to pass on the grill of the interrogations of Laurent Mariotte:

-The taste of your childhood?

Alexandra Lamy. : "Cheese."

Eric Lavaine: "My mother's roast chicken with homemade fries and homemade mayonnaise."

-Your most beautiful meal?

AL: "The last Christmas meal, my mother had cooked."

-Your worst meal?

EL: "A restaurant called 'The deer park' which was in Neuilly where we were all sick because of the meat, I called me to insult him, he said 'oh yes I had a doubt about the crème brûlée '. "

-The dish that you can not eat?

AL: "Brussels sprouts."

EL: "The brains of reindeer."

-What dish would you take on a desert island?

AL: "The couscous or a tajine."

EL: "A whole pig in salt crust, it'll keep me a little longer."

-What is your secret boot in the kitchen?

EL: "I'm going fast."

AL: "Same, I do not like losing time."

-What is the useless ingredient in cooking according to you?

EL: "In the restaurant, stop with the flowers, I can not eat any more flower beds."

-The word of FAIM?

EL: "Still!"

AL: "Again!"