Asil, the daughter of the Kuwaiti artist Abdullah Al-Ruwaished, reassured her father's audience about her health. She wrote on her Twitter page: "Thank you from the heart to everyone who asked about my dear father, he is healthy and well.

Al-Ruwaished was shot down on stage yesterday night during a ceremony at the Jaber Al-Ahmad Cultural Center as a result of his stumble, where he suffered a minor shoulder injury and was taken to hospital. Following the incident, the Center's account was published in a press release in which the Center's staff expressed their regret and assured the public that the artist was healthy and well-being and wished him safety.

Immediately, Twitter saw a wave of comments by fans of the artist Abdullah Al-Ruwaished, Gulf and Arab artists who were quick to express their love for him and their wishes for healing and safety, including Ahlam, Nabil Shuail, Abadi Al Jawhar, Hussein Al Jasmi, Belqees and Asala. Khalid safety and what is evil.

Al-Ruwaished's audience launched a name that brings together their wishes and wishes for healing and wellness, citing a collection of songs that they loved.