Abu Dhabi will host the 27th General Conference of the Arab Union of Arab Writers and Writers in January, the first Arab capital to host two consecutive sessions of the conference. The 26th edition of the conference was held in 2015, in which the writer, Habib Sayegh, was elected as the first Emiri to assume the post of Secretary General of the Union.

Secretary General of the General Union of Arab Writers and Authors Habib Sayegh said that the three-year conference, which will be held from 19 to 22 January 2019, at the Rotana Saadiyat Hotel, will consider the adoption of the amended Statutes of the Union, All of whom are in the work, explaining that one of the most important amendments in the system is to extend the period of the Federation's session to four years instead of three, and that the Secretary General of the Federation has two deputies, without one being first and second, so that all the presidents of the federations under the umbrella of the General Union Assistant to the Secretary-General Is of a special qualitative nature. He pointed out that the new session will witness, after the adoption of the amendments, the election of the Secretary General of the Union for the next period, and extends until 2022, pointing out that the chances of the UAE to retain the post is large through the renewal of it.

In a press conference held yesterday at the headquarters of the Ministry of Culture and Knowledge Development in Abu Dhabi, Mr. Sayegh said, "The renewal will be a source Pride and pride for us, especially as it is in line with the vision of the UAE 2021, which is based on achieving the stated challenges at all levels, especially the cultural level, and the qualitative participation in various fields ».

Accompanying events

Habib Al Sayegh reviewed the main events accompanying the conference, which will be inaugurated by Sheikh Nahyan bin Mubarak Al Nahyan, Minister of Tolerance, with the participation of 17 delegations, including the symposium accompanying the conference. A poetry festival will be held under the name of the late Emirati poet Nasser Jubran, with 50 creators, including 20 from the UAE, divided into four poetry evenings. The program also includes visits by delegates to landmarks in Abu Dhabi such as the Louvre Abu Dhabi Museum, Qasr Al Hosn and Al Karama Oasis.

Al Sayegh touched upon the achievements of the session he chaired since December 2015, highlighting the projects of the next stage. The results of the translation of the Arabic poetry and narratives in the current stage were carried out by the General Translation Office, headed by the President of the Union of Tunisian Writers , And four Arabic works have been translated into English so far, while the second and third phases of the project include translation into French and Spanish.

Qualitative achievements

For his part, Dr. Mohammed Ahazana noted that the previous period was characterized by qualitative achievements, including the acquisition of a permanent headquarters for the Secretariat, which was dedicated by His Highness Sheikh Dr. Sultan bin Mohammed Al Qassimi, Member of the Supreme Council and Ruler of Sharjah. The three-year program has been very busy. The meetings of the Permanent Bureau have been held and have been conducted in several Arab countries. "The General Federation has a pioneering position on the major issues of the nation."

He pointed out that the Union paid attention to literary women and called for the adoption of the principle of women's participation in all its activities in order to achieve the principle of gender balance. It also defended the rights of women writers and filed a lawsuit against an Israeli publishing house, The General Union of Arab Writers and Authors also published 15 literary works by Mauritanian writers.

Habib Sayegh:

«Renewal will be

A source of pride and pride for us,

Especially as it keeps pace

Emirates Vision

2021 ».

Mohamed Hazzana:

"previous period

Characterized by qualitative achievements,

It was a general union

Positions regarding

Major issues of the nation ».


The session begins

Coming to «the conference

General of the Arab writers ».