News from the island

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When it is a state of anger at the political behavior of a country, it is only because it provokes resentment of its actions east and west, and because it simply regulates its political performance according to the indicators of the interests of the nation and because it cares for the affairs of communities in the West and Africa and sympathize with the tragedies of the tormented in the land and on the continent And because it offers Islam, which finds acceptance in the outskirts of the globe and its moorings, and because it is building mosques in the jungles of Africa.

In the face of all this, it is not surprising that every grandson of the father of ignorance and others is condemned to sponsor terrorism. He continues his childish adventures in the areas of Arabism, targeting public facilities and school buses and calling for the interests of the nation and the protection of its rights. Then comes the shameful evidence of his participation in the bombing of the Gaza Strip, and the purchase of the debts of politicians throughout the globe, and interference in the affairs of brothers from Libya and Yemen and the island of Sokatry to infinity.

Abu Jahl enjoyed the father's immunity, goodness, wealth, theoretical power, language and influence, as well as the enjoyment of Abu Jahl son some of those qualities and that if Avakha Atima

He does not hesitate to spy on citizens' communication lines. He does not observe this, but he watches over the governments of neighboring countries. He practices his hobbies in bribes and gifts and intervenes in many elections in the countries of the world, so he gives himself the right to attack a civil rights protector, Hence, on the basis of these data, is it possible to repeat Abu Jahl in his political perspective?

Who contemplates the Arab political scene, insists on repeating the necessity of repeating it to several considerations, which in the forefront of it are the moments of anger and political emotions. When the constants of a state intersect with the nation's references, and when they strive to build various mosques in the jungles of Africa, People do not like the things of their religion and their affairs, so it is not surprising that an Ethiopian minister revolts saying that we do not need to teach us Islam because it is lost to you! These include Abu Jahl, Amr ibn Hisham, and he has many qualities that repeat himself over and over again. If he dies, his grandchildren are still in the same way we see them. They build their place in their people to employ religious and linguistic media and to convert to religious shrines in order to gain legitimacy and approval. Through language, trade and tribalism.

Omar Abu Jahl Nearly half a century ago, he abused the Muslims and was filled with prosperity and sovereignty. He was held in the house of the symposium and his extended influence. At a time when he held a high status in the Qurashi community to the extent that he was no more fanatic than him, Today he works hard to hire his followers! The money is considered to be an excellent follower in Africa and Asia, as well as trade and investment in towers and the spread of evil, and what is not pleasing to God nor his messenger. As for the criminal mind, the truth of watching is as much as the curtain is removed every day from criminal secrets, and before that Abu Jahl did not shy away from his ignorant ignorance about the killing of the Sahihiyya or Ammar Ammar, and today he repeats his action in every field.

One of those considerations is adversity to the point of debauchery, so the meeting at the seminar was with those who follow the example of practical policies. One of these considerations is that these graves do not want to sit at the negotiating table, and therefore he is stubborn, if his convoy survives, otherwise he will persist and insist and describe others as cowards, and believe the words of the poet Hassan ibn Thabit:

Did not you find my words were really .. And the command of God takes hearts

What they said, even if they were saying, they said: I believed and I had a good opinion.

He bought the media in the United States to distort his resistance and improve the image of his actions. He is an owner of exceptional qualities and abilities that were not employed for the benefit of the nation but were employed in the service of the enemy before the friend, and we see that day with our own eyes. .

Abu Jahl enjoyed father, father, father, father, father, father, father, father, father, father, father, father, father, father, father, father and father. You find him the most enmity and instigator to fight battles and he is the pharaoh of the renewed tyrant who does not take in the companion of the devil, the accursed Loma is appropriate!