The European powers have stabilized the reach of a populist president who has never been to the White House before and has found itself in a new phase that requires the troubled continent to reshape its European unity and set its regional priorities and international partnerships in the next phase before embarking on the reforms announced European Union countries to advance the existing unity, and saw countries such as France and Germany in their growing differences with Washington on many issues an opportunity for them to adopt policies more independent of the American vision and less dependent on Washington to maintain security and safety European continent of external risks.

With his arrival at the White House, US President Donald Trump launched a coup in a trade partnership between Washington and the European Union, encouraged Britain to emerge from European unity and promised its allies in London to conclude a preferential trade agreement once it came out. European attempts to absorb their new reality until it emerged again and in an unprecedented manner after Trump announced the withdrawal of Washington from the Paris Climate Convention, and then withdraw from the nuclear agreement with Iran and the tightening of economic sanctions on Tehran without taking into account the interests of their allies or Robin security, economic and commercial account.

The German Chancellor Angela Merkel's reformist vision of the European Union was the key to the birth of something like the nucleus of a new European alliance that brings together Germany and France in a friendship agreement in which policies and attitudes

America first, that sterile policy taken by Trump a new approach to its management under a populist trance that crossed the Atlantic and arrived in Washington and damaged the interests of the US national security before the interests of allies in NATO and the European Union, which generated the desire of the Europeans to compensate any possible US vacuum In NATO and within the borders of Eastern Europe with Russia an alternative European force concerned with the security and safety of the EU countries from external threats, which was already put forward during the meeting of the European Union in Paris last year to approve a series of reforms within the European system, To determine the characteristics of that force and the start date of its work and the framework to be collected.

At the international level, Germany, seeking to enter the UN Security Council and strike a balance in international positions, realized that the time had come for independence from American policies and the replacement of a new European pole in the international equation. The post-Trump world is not the same as before. However, Berlin's ability to achieve this is limited and requires a jump to permanent membership in the UN Security Council. It needs European support that does not exist at present. European differences on asylum and immigration issues and the anti-democratic right-wing leadership The European Union, as currently drafted by governments and parliaments in a number of European Union countries, stands in the way of the German Chancellor, who is burdened with internal and external files, towards a united European position in Brussels, as demonstrated by the sharp differences between Germany and France on the one hand and Washington on the other. Iran's nuclear program is urgently needed to address the deterioration of transatlantic relations with a European antidote that preserves the vital interests of Germany and its European allies and limits the impact of the US decline on firm commitments to Europeans.

The German Chancellor Angela Merkel's reformist vision of the European Union has played a major role in the birth of a new European alliance that brings together Germany and France in a friendship agreement in which policies and attitudes are in line. The two sides signed a new agreement in Aachen, Which provides for the harmonization of security, defense and economic policies, and the creation of joint projects in transport, education and energy for the border areas between France and Germany in the state of Zarland, in order to facilitate the work and transport of French residents of French villages adjacent to the German state, Signed by the parties in the Franco-German friendship agreement "the Elysee Agreement" in 1963, which ended decades of wars and hostility and established the terms of the strategic relations between the two countries.

The context of the Convention, the responsibilities of the French and the Germans to reach the safety of the European Union after the departure of Britain, and the appearance of serious cracks in the system of European unity, give the Convention a strategic dimension that goes beyond the provisions of the Convention. Many of the objectives of the agreement can be achieved according to the new international data, as Germany needs to address the weakness of armament in its army and prepare it to maintain stability and tranquility in the countries bordering the euro With the help of the French, to meet Germany's requirements for entry into the international arena as an active force and as a permanent member of the UN Security Council, while the French expect the new agreement to provide the Germans the support needed to revive the economy And to remove him from his current crisis.

At the European level, German Chancellor Angela Merkel is seeking to deepen and prolong the European partnership in the remainder of her last term. Merkel, in her mission, is betting on her extraordinary experience and strong influence within the European Union and on the consensus in visions and goals she shares with French President Emmanuel Macaron. The economic landscape between the north and south of the continent is widening, and the economically distressed countries such as Greece, Spain and Italy are among the criteria of the Union. And the ceiling on the deficit allowed in the EU's public budgets have made it more realistic for the UK to emerge from the EU. If Britain has advantages over its trade with EU countries and guarantees freedom of movement for its citizens without the cost of doing so Stay in the EU and commit to paying the billions of that membership, the rest of the European countries will be less dependent on financial obligations towards European unity in the footsteps of Britain, and the EU will be more disintegrated, which is Made the Aachen Agreement between France and Germany an early precautionary measure that could be relied upon in the foreseeable future.