The social networking sites were crowded with a video of a Chinese mother who kicked her 3-year-old daughter vigorously, accusing the mother of abusing children, kicking her in the back as the child was engaged.

The mother's act angered the Chinese despite her apology and rejection of the charges against her for mistreating her daughter, New New, which turned out to be one of the faces known as the world of children's fashion shows in China.

According to information, the mother kicked her child who was training all day, being unhappy with her performance.

After the video spread, the mother faced a wave of anger over her harsh treatment of the famous fashion face and was accused of exploiting the girl to earn a lot of money without taking into consideration her young age.

Several stores have also removed New New images to protest against her mother's behavior. The mother apologized for social media, thanked the public for advising her and made mistakes, but denied allegations of child abuse.