Most couples hope to live happily ever after, but the fact that more than 40 per cent of modern marriages end in divorce.

Over the past 30 years, psychologists have devoted much time and resources to trying to predict which marriages are likely to last, which are likely to end in divorce. A study has concluded that how couples smile plays a big role in whether or not a marriage continues.

The scientists identified two types of smile, the first real and the other fake, and the smile is true if accompanied by constriction of two groups of the first muscles lift the corners of the mouth and the second make the muscles around the eye contract what leads to wrinkle, called this smile smile "Duchin" proportion of the French doctor who studied facial expressions since 200 years.

Psychologists invented what they call FACS, the facial coding system they use to measure the intensity and truthfulness of a smile. In a 2001 study, psychologists at the University of California asked a group of psychologists, Of women in their fifties fill out questionnaires about their relationships and their happiness with life.

Psychologists also analyzed the image of these women at the age of 21 years, and women who naturally caught in the images taken 30 years ago live a happy marriage.

A series of subsequent studies, involving men and women, found a strong link between those who smiled falsely and less convincingly in older images, and increased the likelihood of divorce, compared to those who smiled more naturally.

The successful marriage is not only about the broad smile. The Gutman Love Lab, a research center established by Professor John Guttman near Washington University in 1986, identified a number of key factors that play an important role in destroying relationships:

1 - contempt: This includes making sarcastic responses to talk, and the disregard of the other party's opinion when the dispute, and treated with contempt.

2 - Cash: This does not mean that all opinions must be approved by the partner, but to criticize violently and directly to the personality of the other party instead of his opinion.

3 Defense: where one of the parties to the relationship is on permanent alert to respond and defend the position of the accused.

4 - Lack of indifference: that do not care what the partner says, which gives prominence that his opinion is worthless.