It seems that the series of scandals and crises will not stop chasing the Moroccan star Saad just because the French and Moroccan media outlets circulated news of a new arrest in the French region of Saint Tropez for suspicion of a new sexual assault on a French girl who filed a new "harassment and assault" He could not close the page of his first case.

The site "Mediapar" French, that Saad was just arrested on Sunday morning, after being suspected of involvement in a new sexual assault, according to the site, "Hesperis" Moroccan, Saad's father simply, Bashir Abdo said he tried to contact his son but did not answer calls But did not confirm or deny it.

According to Moroccan media, the singer missed the social platforms throughout the day, unlike his habit, and those close to him did not deny the news of the arrest.

He has just been in France for more than a year and a half, being tried for rape and is not allowed to leave France after being released on parole, where he visited Morocco on a few occasions.