Vitamin C has been known for its great benefits over the past years, especially for the skin, and is given full attention. This vitamin, known as ascorbic acid, works in the body as an antioxidant and protects cells from damage caused by free radicals.

Recent studies indicate that this vitamin is soluble in water, meaning it can not be stored in the body, but our diet must ensure our daily needs of it or get it in the form of dietary supplements or skin care products that contribute to the delivery of this vitamin directly to the skin.

The application of vitamin C directly to the skin makes it available to them by 30% more than eat through food and supplements. It plays a shielding role that protects cells and fights free radicals in coordination with vitamin E, which also contributes to cell regeneration.

Vitamin C helps maintain the skin's softness. It also protects stem cells. Tests have shown that the presence of these cells in a vitamin C-rich environment reinforces its role in regenerating the skin.

The use of vitamin C-rich preparations on the skin reduces the appearance of wrinkles, activates the production of elastin and collagen fibers, increases the intensity of the skin, reduces the appearance of dark spots, and it gives the light on the skin due to the activation of blood, which provides better access to oxygen and nutrients.

Taking vitamin C in the form of tablets dissolved in water does not replace the use of skin care products containing vitamin C. The application of the solution of these tablets dissolved in water on the skin is also useful, as vitamin C needs to other elements accompanied by and ensure the arrival in the right place. Skin to take advantage of its renewed benefits and protection of the skin.