A car of a group of young children accompanied by adults in western Japan crashed on Wednesday, killing two people and injuring some of them "in a critical condition," police said.

The accident occurred Wednesday morning in Otsu city in Shiga district not far from Osaka. "The vehicle hit a caravan of 13 children from a nursery, accompanied by three teachers who were walking on a quay," police said.
She said a young boy and a girl were killed.

Television footage shows a group of children aged between two and three years near a pedestrian walkway before a car gets out of the way and shocks them after colliding with another mechanism at a crossroads.
"Among the injured are children in a critical condition," the Japanese police said, noting that a 62-year-old woman was driving the car that shocked the children while a woman in the 52nd was in the car that was involved in the other incident.
The two were arrested on suspicion of "being negligent in driving".

Nursery and children in Japan regularly organize trips to nearby gardens or as part of regular exercises on evacuations in the event of earthquakes or tsunamis.