The ING Innovation Festival kicked off yesterday with the participation of leading names in the field of design and creativity, with a program of more than 50 workshops and discussions, presenting several topics and issues in the field of creativity. This session was a series of talks and workshops featuring the world's largest brands, as well as a range of emerging talent in the design, painting and art of different types of creativity festival market.


The calligrapher Cristian Sarkis, who designs Arabic fonts that can be used in institutions or museums, is participating in the talks. He pointed out that his participation will revolve around the development of types of Arabic calligraphy, pointing out that he works mainly on drawing characters through the computer, The line was used in the Louvre.

Sarkis noted that the art of Arabic calligraphy was one of the most important arts in the region. As an Arab civilization, the line is considered one of the most important arts in civilization, but the line is not used with the same passion and passion in our time, but it is keen to find expressions for the line based on strong foundations. Sarkis specializes in Arabic calligraphy in the Netherlands, pointing to the great interest in the Western world in the Arabic calligraphy of all kinds, explaining that the line is the sound that each sign aspires to find.


Bahraini designer Hussein al-Moussawi, who works as a senior designer in Adidas, said he was working on a range of designs for sports shoes for football or basketball. He pointed out that the main inspiration in his work comes from everywhere, the designer should be like sponge, absorbing everything around him, which makes him more inclined to produce what is inspiring through travel or even dealing with people. He pointed out that he starts from the initial design, then the story and the theme of color, explaining that he seeks to develop colors that are fashionable and exciting every season. Moussawi pointed out that his participation in the forum will focus on his experience in design, and how it can inspire others in design, as well as workshops that will introduce the concepts of innovation and creativity.

«Bob» Saudi

In addition to the talks, a group of emerging artists presented a collection of her works in the field of drawing and design in the creative market, including Saudi Arabia Raghad Al-Makrami, who spoke about her participation. "My work is inspired by pop culture in Saudi Arabia and inspired by local culture, It is light, simple, inexpensive and youthful. " She noted that she designed postcards, greeting cards and bags, indicating that openness in Saudi Arabia encouraged her to present drawings reflecting local culture. She described her participation in the exhibition as unique, and added her enthusiasm for more.

The Egyptian painter, Lamia Amin, presented a set of drawings that she designs on the computer, pointing out that she works in the field of advertising, but drawing for her hobby, and often stems from a certain event, which is drawn on the computer and sold through its own page on the "intrest." She stressed that most of the audience of this art, which is provided by the United States of America and Italy and Egypt, and that when the business sells a high-quality copy can be printed, stressing that the sale of works of art through social media, can not be printed more than copies, Signature of the photograph on the date of sale.

Kuwaiti Ahmad Al Rifai presented a series of drawings that embody the Gulf and Arab character, in a contemporary fashion, with many colors. "I draw inspiration from the environment and the local community, and I present some drawings in a comical and comedian way, some of which take a serious character in life with some fun," he said of his drawings. He explained that the multiplicity of sources in the drawings indicates that it is merged between the imagination and the reality, and comes out of the realistic framework of the forms that we see in reality, explaining that all drawings are done through the computer.

Stickers and cards

Emirati artist Fatima Sahim participated in a series of posters and greeting cards with her drawings. She pointed out that she works as a graphic designer, but drawing has been her hobby since childhood and she has been constantly developing it. The drawings are inspired by nature, semi-cartoon characters, and use water colors as they tend to provide marine organisms. She pointed out that the exhibition gave her the opportunity to identify other painters, and to interact with the audience and listen to their views.

Italian artist Claudia Bessie participated in the exhibition with a collection of shawls and bags that bear her drawings and signature, pointing out that drawing was a hobby that was born with her and is done alongside her work, and it takes a lot of time. She noted that it was inspiration that made drawings easier to draw, sometimes graphics took a long time, but sometimes work was done within hours. She noted that the show at the Dubai Design District is an opportunity to inspire her by engaging designers from around the world.

Speakers and participants

The Festival of Creativity Program, which continues until today, included a series of talks and workshops. Speakers included Tamara Abdul Hadi, Siddhart Mithala, Shaheen Hajo, Sara Reda, Nicole Hendrix, Natasha Jean and Macy Dempsey, Michael Zephos, Martha Sirda, Christian Sarkis and Anna Glensen , Caroline, Antizak, Fares Abu-Bakhar, Hussein al-Musawi, Josh Herman and John Kami.