"What if, in 2019, we vowed to prevent 40% of cancers?" At the beginning of the year, this is the slogan of the National Cancer Institute, INCa which has just launched an information campaign on television and on social networks, broadcast from 2 to 16 January, to incite the French to change certain behaviors or habits of life likely to increase their risk of developing cancer.

Tobacco is the leading cause of cancer death. For these specialists, therefore, the good resolutions this year can - and even should - concern the four main preventable risk factors for cancer. Here are the four good resolutions to avoid a large number of cancers.

"Quitting smoking" is often THE # 1 resolution, and it's a good thing because it's also the number one cause of cancer death. So in 2019, for the specialists, it's clear, we must push the smokers to stop. And even the "little smokers", because it is not only the number of smoked cigarettes that counts ... In reality, the longer you smoke, even little, the more the risks of cancer increase.

Monitor your alcohol consumption, but also your diet. Then the second preventable cause of cancer mortality is alcohol, so again this year, to limit the risk we will try to reduce the amount consumed and frequency. Finally, to reduce the risk of cancer is less known, but the third good resolution could be to eat better.

"Food is both an ally and an enemy." There are 5.4% of new cancer cases per year related to obesity and overweight and 5.4% of new cancer cases. These are all cancers of the digestive, breast, endometrial, and kidney spheres, which account for 37,400 cancers per year, "says Dr. Alice Desbiolles of the National Cancer Institute. on Europe 1.

Move to protect yourself from cancer. Finally fourth and last resolution, to avoid cancer you have to move more! So it is not necessarily to be an intensive sport, but already walk for example every day at least 30 minutes. It's proven, it acts as a protective factor for cancer.