In a report issued last year, a leading travel insurance company in the region indicated that 96% of its customers in the country are eager to choose their travel destinations in proportion to their ability to document their exciting adventures through social media, allowing them to capture the most beautiful and exciting images.

Since access to social networks is very high (99.26%), it is obvious that community members rely on the content and ratings of travel bloggers, who have been deployed on digital platforms in recent years.

The bloggers have differed in their goals and creations among those who document their human and family journey, who are able to take photographs of nature, and who provide useful information on different destinations, such as the UAE account of ghaliasphotos @ which brought together creativity, knowledge and simplicity in its visuals.

Then comes the unfortunately who uses travel to boast of its status and holdings, which is the case I describe - if you miss me - B # Sfour - travelers.

It bothers me very much that he is filming the ticket to the business class and the first degree, as if this image will be based on his position and determine his position at the top of the pyramid of society, and those that announce the resumption of her trip photographed the flight attendant pouring coffee in her own cabin, and then take a picture of her expensive bag, And write down the picture «prayer travel», as if the du'aa is linked to the maintenance of the bag!

I am very sorry for those who are photographing their clothes with labels, from the bottom of their feet to their armpits, as if they will be impressed by what they wear, and those who pretend to take a picture of a coffee in a coffee shop. Full of elegance and luxury.

Many people do not know that they do not add to their lives and lives any additional addition when sorting out their video and audio files. Many people ignore their eyes in anticipation and envy, which may put them and their families at risk. Many people believe that flattery and public display will give them affection and companionship.

The true blogging of the journey lies in the imaginative creativity, the enrichment of knowledge, the benefit of people, the creation of memories that become a legacy that we can return to someday, and take back the moments we enjoyed and not those that we may boast and become fleeting.

What will you write today to keep you a legacy?

HalaBadri @

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