Dr. Greer, in your words, we are not alone in the universe, and there have already been many contacts between us and the aliens.” But the majority of such statements still seem strange. How can we prove once and for all that aliens exist and are already discovered?

- Very good question. In general, this has already been done. In 2017, the documentary “Unrecognized” was released. It is named after the first word in the wording “unrecognized projects with limited access” - as the US military designates top-secret programs related to UFOs and extraterrestrial life.

You will see that more than 950 troops with access to top-secret materials gave testimony, submitted documents and photographs. We even conducted a study of a biological sample of extraterrestrial origin. There is irrefutable evidence of the visits of aliens, and, frankly, every participant of classified projects is aware of this.

The public is not told, wanting to keep everything secret for the sake of technology and petrodollar macroeconomics. This secrecy is not connected with the so-called "aliens", but with geopolitical influence and money. As usual.

- I have a few questions on the picture of the world that you set forth. First of all: are the aliens just coming to us for a while or have they already firmly established themselves here?

- No, these are intelligence missions. Since we began to test atomic weapons, the number of visits of extraterrestrial civilizations to our planet has definitely increased: they are clearly worried about our ability to destroy our weapons of mass destruction. In the modern period of observations of the so-called UFOs, their number has increased markedly after we developed nuclear weapons and the hydrogen bomb.

This is a fact, and we have a lot of witnesses who were engaged in top-secret projects and were present at the nuclear facilities, where the alien ships flew in to observe our activities. Many people (in particular, of course, science fiction) inspired us with the thought of the risk of some kind of alien invasion or threat.

But everything is quite the opposite: they consider us a threat, now human civilization is perceived as unstable, unable to establish peace on the planet. This was supposed to happen after World War II, but there is still no change for the better.

I think the extraterrestrial mind is waiting for our civilization to mature, and until then it will not take open action, unless some kind of catastrophe happens.

- If some civilization has taken possession of interstellar flights, then we can be considered just a backward hole?

- Yes. But the problem is this: we are flying into space, aren't we? We have the ISS, we sent unmanned aerial vehicles to Mars, and in the future we will also launch manned vehicles. We landed on the moon. By the way, my uncle helped design the lunar module, in which Neil Armstrong landed.

I’m trying to convey to people this: when we started exploring space and developing weapons of mass destruction, it was a signal that our civilization is at a certain stage of development and may be a problem. I think we are considered an evolving, but at the same time problematic civilization.

So the main task of all mankind is to step out of a monkey-like fragmented society, in which we foolishly fight with each other, to the stage of peaceful coexistence, when we fly into space with good goals. When we reach this important milestone, other civilizations will come into contact with man much more openly.

- According to you, there is a special organization that keeps everything related to UFOs secret. But the aliens would not be limited only to America, and then the authorities of other world powers would know about them. It turns out there is some kind of international agreement?

- Yes.

- ... or do the authorities of each country themselves determine the course in the field of alien contacts?

- This is a transnational organization. It is worth explaining the difference with the international structure - such as the UN. For a transnational organization there are no geopolitical borders. For example, there is documentary evidence that at the very height of the Cold War, the KGB collaborated in this area with American intelligence services.

So this question has been kept secret for several decades by the joint efforts of a number of countries. But the United States is doing the lion’s share of the work - simply because of their technological development and, one has to admit, of enormous macroeconomic influence.

“A documentary called Sirius , based on your book, begins with a statement that the unfair financial system, which benefits only a handful of people and leaves the American middle class with nothing, is the power of the oil corporations. Perhaps all the talk about UFOs is your way of expressing extreme dissatisfaction with what is happening in the real world?

- No, I just recognize the fact that our world is only a faint shadow of what it could be if we had used the technologies developed over the past half century in various secret projects. We use airplanes and cars, oil and gas, although in fact we do not need them.

The last few decades, we could already do without them. But it was concluded that the promulgation of new technologies will have a devastating impact on the current macroeconomic system. This discussion is necessary to lead all together.

People are increasingly worried about issues such as climate change, air pollution, and related deaths. Such problems can be solved, but not with the help of solar or wind energy. It is necessary to use for the benefit of mankind bold scientific discoveries that have been studied for more than a decade in the framework of top-secret projects.

- You also said that the US presidents are not told about all such discoveries. They even prepared a special briefing for Barack Obama, and also spoke before the congress. How did everything go?

- I found that everyone wants to know the truth. And just because I am now in Washington. This is the biggest open secret in history. Even when I first prepared a briefing for President Bill Clinton and the Director of the CIA, everyone was well aware of the existence of great secrets in this area.

In America, elected officials, as a rule, have no control over such projects. If you do not believe, remember the words of Jimmy Carter (39th President of the United States. - RT ), after he became president and tried to sort out this matter. To the question “what is it to be the most powerful person in the world,” he replied that it was not about him, because he was not told about certain things and he did not control them in any way.

However, we too long indulge in interests that have become very undemocratic and endanger world freedom and even our very existence within the framework of the biosphere. I have already said that for the United States such a level of secrecy is a problem since the days of Eisenhower, but it exists in other countries.

- If the question about UFOs is kept in such a secret that even the presidents do not know, why are you still alive? Why are you allowed to make documentaries for Netflix ? You are talking about uncovering a large-scale government conspiracy, and the CIA killed people for less ...

- Three people from my team were killed, including the former director of the CIA ... But I would not want to go into details. However, we have measures to protect what we are working on. I collected a lot of data, and if something happens to me, they will be published on the Internet, which will turn out to be a disaster for our opponents. We use such a mechanism for about twenty years.

In addition, I met people working in the Pentagon and the CIA who, I think, would be very happy to publish this information. There is no clear distinction between "we" and "they." Many people from around the world would like to make this information public.

My good friend Carol Rosen worked closely with senior officials in Russia who want the same because they share our views. There are similar people in China, in the UK and in Canada. So there is definitely progress. But nothing will happen until people realize the seriousness of the situation and do not see the potential for solving the problems of the environment, government and the economy around the world.

- High - ranking military and government officials have been making statements about the existence of aliens for nearly sixty years. I personally spoke with the former Minister of Defense of Canada ...

- We are well acquainted.

... who told me that many alien races visit our Earth.” But no one was able to provide tangible and irrefutable evidence. I wonder how many eyewitnesses are required? Is it really necessary for the flying saucer to land on Red Square or at the Pentagon building so that everyone recognizes the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations?

- No, not at all. But you need to properly enlighten people in this matter. That's why we post popular science films and other products. Paul Hellier, the former Minister of Defense of Canada, is a good friend of mine. I also brought him up to date, and we held a press conference in Toronto.

There is a huge amount of such evidence, including irrefutable material evidence. We have them, and I collected them for decades. The only question is who will tell about it. In the US, this is the case: if some program starts to study in detail the evidence for the existence of a UFO, it will be closed.

And everyone thinks that in America free media ... No, they are under control. If CNN began to dig deep, he would be told to stop. I have already seen this. We collaborated with ABC News, and I gave them 35 hours of materials with highly classified evidence and irrefutable evidence. However, the executive producer of the channel was forbidden to produce such material.

Watch the full interview on RTD.