- We met in the recording studio, so the question immediately arises: how are things with your rap career? Recently, the group "League of Words" can not hear anything ...

- No, why, we write tracks. There is simply no goal to make a lot of money. There are musicians who purposefully make music to earn money, they have a so-called timing, and they really need to hurry to do something. We do not have this. For us, this is just a creative laboratory, a place where we study music rather than make money.

- If we talk about proportions: how much time do you spend on music, and how much - the movie?

- Cinema, probably more than ten percent. So - 60/40.

- And if you have the opportunity to play in the theater?

- No, the theater does not digest at all. For me, this is the old form - I can’t look at it when people take the stage, come to the fore, speak and gesticulate ... For me, this is a very old form. Boring

- You have a very busy schedule. Tell us where you came from - it was a tour in support of "Yolok"?

- Tour in support of "Yolok", everything is correct. I traveled around the cities - there were four cities: Tyumen, Nizhny Novgorod, Novosibirsk and Krasnodar. Pre-premiere shows were held there - in different cities people had tickets, which they won in contests, either bought, or there was a press from those cities, or there were partners of Sberbank. They went to this pre-premiere show. It was necessary to fly, greet them, joke, otbechuchit and fly away.

Gifts were played: in each city heroes were chosen.

It turns out that we still have people who commit heroic acts from the category of "a man stuck on his wagon, and another man went to him for a month and brought him food."

In my opinion, it was in Tyumen. And that hero had to give a gift. In every city there was such a hero.

- Do you know what impression the audience left after watching this movie?

- Not. I know the impression left by the press. Because the protocol is this: the press is watching a movie, and then we communicate with the press. The press is always kind of happy, they will never say nasty things in the face, because then you need to communicate for 15 minutes. And with the usual audience, we did not communicate.

- The latest "Yolki" were the final movie of the franchise. For your hero and for Uncle Yura, the story ended positively. And how could it evolve after - what happened after the curtain fell?

- I don’t know, our story could have resulted only in some “Fizruk”. It is not clear, to be honest. Because this was the goal, the main unclosed gestalt (of my hero. - RT ) Andrew. He brought mother to a man. And that's all. The question is settled.

- The following year, Mikhail Malinin's film “Ribs” is released, where you were filmed with Dmitry Nagiyev. You already have some kind of comedy duet formed ...

“I don't know, this is some kind of magic.” He himself (Dmitry Nagiyev. - RT ) is already laughing, because it looks like a mockery. This, it turns out, is the fifth or sixth work with Nagiyev, and everything goes incrementally: first he played my fizruka, then, in Yolki, he played his stepfather, and here, in Ribs, he was straight from father.

  • Shot from the movie "Firs last"
  • © kino-teatr.ru

I was in St. Petersburg, we filmed a movie, an agent calls me and says: “You were approved in the film“ Rib ”. Incidentally, Nagiyev is removed there. ”

They send me a script, I read all this, come to the site, bring my father, and this turns out to be Nagiyev. And here I already had some hysterical laughter - in principle, and he too.

Strange coincidence. Maybe someone saw how we played there somewhere, I do not know. I have no explanation, to be honest.

- In what atmosphere did the filming of the last Yokol take place? Did you feel that this was the final? Any melancholy present?

- No, the fact that this is the last "Yolki", specifically on the set was not felt. Because we are all a professional team, we worked hard. Maybe, only at the very latest shift - there was an additional shift, when all the artists from all “Yolok” were gathered. There was also a broadcast on Instagram. Then yes. On that filming day, maybe even something was felt, because everyone was sitting here - and Urgant, and Svetlakov, and everything. Grown up Sergey Pokhodaev, with whom I starred in "Graduation" ...

- What time of year did the filming take place?

- Here are the previous "Yolki" - it was either autumn, or spring after all. We covered the forest with artificial snow. The previous “Yolki” came out, two months later they called me and said that we were starting to shoot these already, and they were shooting in the snow in the forest. I was very foul and upset about this and prayed to everyone that we would be returned to artificial snow. And we were brought to this artificial snow for the next shift, and again I prayed that we would be returned to normal. So far, for me, this dilemma is not solved - which one is better.

- Probably, this climate history is not the most difficult thing that happened during the filming.

- No, the most difficult thing is this. In these "Yolkah". Previously, Nagiyev’s trick number was when he got out of the hole and had to be dragged. It was the most difficult, probably, and all. And in these (“Yolkas”. - RT ) the most difficult thing was to resist, so as not to deface Nagiyev’s endless improvisations.

- This year you starred in two New Year's films at once. Do you think any of them will be able to become a cult picture, such as, for example, “The Irony of Fate”?

- In general, the complex of all events of “Yolok”, that is, of all films, perhaps, yes, can become a film tradition. I have no doubt that on the TV channels they will be shown in the marathon as “Home Alone”. As for another film in which I was filming, I am not sure, because this is a very sparkling story, rather, an additional material to the series (“Policeman from Rublyovka.” - RT ).

- You did not offer to take part in the filming of the series "Yolki"?

- The series “Yolki”, by the way, is a very illusive story. No one understands it or not. I generally think Timur Bekmambetov joked at a press conference. And a lot of journalists took it seriously. And I, too, at one time. But now I am suspicious of this.

- So this is the same ghostly perspective as in the case of the full-length film “Fizruk”?

- Well, as ghostly. We started shooting it. They took half of the film, there the whole story lined up around the World Cup (football. - RT ), so it was very important to release it before the championship. As you can see, the world championship was over, but we did not release the film. He did not finish. The project froze. I understand that something went wrong from the technical side.

- A new season of "Fizruk" will be released in 2019?

- New season "Fizruk"? You know more than me. Maybe with other artists then. Because no one knows anything about this.

- In the series "The Law of the Stone Jungle" you have a dramatic role. But more often you can be seen in comedies. Do you feel more comfortable in a comedy role? Maybe drama is harder to play than comedy?

- No, the roles are actually fifti-fifti. Just some of the projects people did not watch. For example, I had a dramatic role in the TV series “The Moon”, which you have never watched.

  • Shot from the TV series "Fizruk"
  • © kino-teatr.ru

You feel more comfortable in the dramatic, to be honest. Because in the comedic you need to invent something, not just to stand and tear your throats and look somewhere with a dead look. It is really necessary to invent something, and for this to be an educated person, constantly read something, watch and learn humor, communicate with people. It is much more complicated.

In comedies there are such scenes when you finish and the whole playground laughs. You have already raised the bar for quality, and then already a little uncomfortable, because you need to constantly give something away.

- Would you like more comedies or dramas?

- To be honest, no difference. The main thing that was good. Recently I tried this genre - tragicomedy. We shot the film in St. Petersburg, "Liver". This is probably something more cool. Because there are moments where you can laugh, such gags, and mourn, and declare yourself as a serious artist.

- Recently, you starred in Anna Kuzminyh’s “Re-certification” short film, in which Sergey Burunov also took part. What is this project?

- This is a festival short meter, as I understand it. About the family, which neither fish nor fowl, lived its life in any way. They got into purgatory, they are not taken anywhere - neither to hell, nor to heaven. They are constantly re-certified. And there comes another re-certification, and then the story develops.

- And your hero ...

- A son. There, it turns out, Drubich plays the grandmother, Burunov - the father, the beautiful artist from the "Interns" plays the mother. And my actress is playing my great sister.

- You wrote in Instagram that you do not know where this film can be viewed. Do you often take part in such independent projects?

- Often. Just in a different way. In the previous short meter, I acted as the author of the music. The band and I made music on a short meter by Ilya Farfel, I don’t remember what it is called. Now I am working with the Bondarchuk "Industry" school, with a few guys over short meters there.

- It is believed that every actor has directorial ambitions ...

- There are directorial ambitions, yes. Always were. But I have no organizational talent, to be honest. I am due to my youth a little irresponsible. And I probably would not have been able to exist in any regime for three months ... And only during the shooting - and there is still a preparation mode! And I would not like to write my author's story, I have no such ideas in my head. Maybe something would be filmed.

I really like the Strugatskys, and the technologies have come to the point that they can be removed. In Russia, I mean. Strugatsky, I would gladly film. But own history is unlikely.

- Before the new year, it is customary to sum up. What important happened to you in 2018?

- In my 2018th a lot of things happened. Half you can not even tell. Caps will fly. In general, I had a professional leap. This is if on the surface. I found peace of mind ...

- How to find it?

- Everyone is looking for his own way. I had a hole on the side of a certain side, and I, in general, sealed it this year. And now I am swimming normally, without holes.

- The most important is your achievement of the year?

- Our airsoft team won the tournament cup. And I think this is an achievement. There have been many such achievements, I cannot single out any important thing. I did not make a revolution, the world did not turn over ... I guess I stupidly spent 2018!

- And what is the most important lesson you learned from 2018?

- The most important lesson is that you should not treat your life irresponsibly.

- Do you have plans for 2019?

- I would like the number of film projects to be two times more than this year. Despite the fact that I was pretty tired in 2018, I would like to be twice as tired in 2019.