After the fashion of the large natural eyebrows that dominated many years ago, and those that were not heavily trimmed on the social networking sites, many of those who were keen on the intensity of their eyebrows, or who have been subjected to the hands of experts «Tato» or permanent makeup, a strong return of the eyebrows very high, or known In the name of the "thread", which spread in the twenties and thirties of the last century.

These predictions have not come out of nowhere. The famous singer Rihanna appeared on the cover of the British magazine Vogue in September, with her thick eyebrows, a magazine that is always famous for launching new epics in fashion and appearance, which surprised many bloggers and specialists in the world of beauty and fashion.


Fashion is first seen in the late 1920s and 1930s, and has spread among Marlene Dietrich and Mia Farrow again in the 1960s, but with a more natural touch, And the beautiful Gwyneth Paltrow in the nineties, and may be the coming years is the most logical period for the return of this fashion, which is likely to be in 2020 according to expectations.

In addition, there are many accounts that promote this fashion (very high eyebrows), which has recently become a wave followed by many interested in this classic appearance that dates back to the twenties and thirties of the last century.

After the release of Vogue magazine, the shocking and unsettling comments of Riaana did not stop between praising the singer's ability to adopt any appearance, albeit a strange one, and resenting the idea of ​​the return of this fashion, which requires the removal of significant quantities of products, Dense that have proliferated recently.

But Niles & Broz in Mayfair in Britain, Cheryl Riley, who is alleged to be responsible for the eyebrows of the new Duke of Sussex, has ruled out the return of this fashion to the public street. "I liked the cover of the latest Vogue magazine, it suggests strength and innovation, but I did not accept the eyebrows, it is not beautiful, and the eyebrows reveal too much of the features of the face of Riana, and do not bring the consistency and balance of its features. It still looks beautiful, but it's impossible to do these eyebrows on a normal day. "

For Riana, the realization of this view, and the drawing of these eyebrows was not always sure, but temporarily, which is likely to be achieved by blurring the real eyebrows with the facial glue and cover with the makeup of the defects and cream foundation, before drawing two eyebrows completely new, but in fact, often What is being browsed to be so tender, which Riley does not recommend, saying: "Do not do that! The result is likely to be inconsistent eyebrows, disproportionate facial features, and a dilemma that they may not grow again. "

1990s: Gwyneth Paltrow

Most of those who have lived in this decade may have been accused of excessive eyebrow, which also reached Hollywood beauties such as Gwyneth Paltrow, Drew Barrymore and American singer Gwen Stephanie. A simple journey to the albums of this period may be painful enough; Of the majority.

1930s: Marlene Dietrich

The Marroquín star Marilyn Dietrich was famous for her very thin eyebrows and was said to have been full-bodied, to draw others who were very tall and arched.

The Sixties: Mia Farrow

Although the eyebrows in this decade were very high, at the same time seemed more natural, and at the end of this decade, actress Mia Farrow, the British fashion model Twiggy, and singer Diana Ross returned this fashion again.