In his current cultural season, held under the theme "Zayed: The Memory of the People and the Identity of the Nation", a seminar was held yesterday at the Writers Union in Abu Dhabi entitled "Present and the Horizon of Cultural Relations between the UAE and India", in which Dr. Maryam Al-Shanasi, Director of Calicut University Dr. Mohammad Bashir, Chair of the University of Calicut Dr. Poker Berylamculat, Editor-in-Chief of Navodhanam Indian Journal Abdo Chiyaburam. Participants in the seminar concluded that the bilateral relationship between the UAE and the Republic of India was not limited to commercial, economic and political relations, but rather the culture that brought together the two historically powerful countries. It was remarkable that Bashir and Abdo Chiyaburam spoke to the public in Arabic. The seminar dealt with the joint efforts towards cultural exchange between the UAE and India, and the translation of each of the literature into the language of the other, within the strategic relationship between the two countries.

Cultural meetings

Mohammed Beshir said that Mumbai has been the focus of cultural relations between the two countries since the declaration of the UAE Union in 1971, and began cultural meetings flourish, and moving from Mumbai to the state through various channels between books and films, and thus know the UAE community to India through culture. Al-Shanasi said that Indian cinema and its strong presence in the open-air cinemas have moved into a covered role, and then to its present form. We have learned about Indian culture, our proximity to it, its concerns and the shape of its beautiful cities, which has become a tourist destination for us.

Al-Shanasi pointed out that the culture of food is also one of the important cultures that have been formed in our country, and we know about the customs and traditions of the peoples, and the proximity of Indian cuisine from our kitchen has always made us feel a cultural link between the two countries.

Convergence of the two peoples

For his part, Abdu Chiyaburam stressed that the cultural relationship between the two countries is the most influential and the widest and most comprehensive benefit of cohesion among the peoples. For India, it maintains this bilateral relationship because of the geographical location of the two countries and because of the Arab-dominated trade which has taught us about their morals and honesty. With the state, and with other Arab countries. It is known that culture is the face of the people and their stories, and we get to know each other through a book or film or even a plate of food.

"The history of the Indian community in the country demonstrates the values ​​of harmony, adaptation and non-alienation, because of the good treatment and the provision of whatever the expatriate wants on the land of the state, to feel that it is part of it. , And this is the culture that brings people closer together, it is the basis of acceptance of the other, because we know it through the aesthetics of audio and visual novels and written history and cinema.

Indian - Arab Relations

Indian-Arab relations date back to ancient times. Pearl and fish trade existed between the two regions in 3000 BC. The Arabian and Indian seafarers cut their seas back and forth to establish trade points. The camel caravan route extending from north to south represented An alternative route to India. The port of Ras Al Khaimah was one of the most famous shipping and shipping ports for pearl and fish trade in the region. Indian goods were transported to Yemen through it, and one of the first mosques built in the world was the mosque built in the Indian state of Kerala in 629 AD.