Ceramide is the key to health and beauty of the skin. It protects the skin from skin diseases on the one hand and gives it a radiant and youthful appearance on the other.

German cosmetics expert Nathalie Fisher said that ceramide helps to strengthen the skin's natural skin barrier, thus protecting the skin from external influences such as harmful substances, extreme cold, dry air, bacteria, viruses and fungi.

She added that ceramide protects skin from skin diseases such as dermatitis and psoriasis.

Ceramide helps moisturize the skin and is therefore an effective weapon for fighting drought, roughness and cracking. Ceramide also soothes the stressful and irritated skin, as well as giving the skin a soft texture such as silk, and a glowing appearance that radiates freshness and radiance. Thanks to its ability to combat wrinkles, Ceramide rejuvenates its youth and vitality.

To achieve the desired results, Fisher advises women with dry and irritated skin to use ceramide-containing preparations immediately after hot showers. Pores are open by water vapor, and then the skin absorbs the material ideally.