Before the band members of the Bandra Boys climbed the US awards ceremony, a cute (?

On the 9th, the video of the "Grammy Awards" behind-the-wall episode was made public on the bulletin board boycott official YouTube. The Bangladeshi Boy Scouts were invited to the Grammy Awards in February for the US three-music awards ceremony.
In the video, we were able to catch a glimpse of how English studying was taking place before members came to the stage.

The members walked around carrying paper and practiced constantly how to talk about the interviewed questions and answers in English.
In particular, the members gathered around the leader RM who is fluent in English and practiced English.

"What's the first question?" Said RM to the members of the scholastic group. The members have actively participated, showing a burning passion.
The member who was practicing in the middle told me "I can not choose" and when he heard it, "I'm your brother," "I'm Cant". He said, "Brother, but I think it would be cute if I say Choice. Let's go to Icant Choice!" In addition, the members practiced practicing the interview situation drama positively, and member Ji Min received a one-on-one lecture beside RM.

The members who study English hard for the perfect stage make a smile.

The netizens who encountered the video showed various responses such as "It is wonderful to practice hard", "It is wonderful", "It is so cute".
Meanwhile, the Bulletproof Boys left for New York on October 10 to attend the NBC famous comedy show "Saturday Night Live" (SNL).

The Bulletproof Boys will release their new album "MAP OF THE SOUL: PERSONA" on the 12th, and will show off their comeback stage in US SNL. (Composition = Hallyu editor, Review = Kim Doo-gyun, Source = Bulletproof Boy Band YouTube / Twitter)

(SBS Steve Star)