Actor Cho Jae-hyun and movie director Kim Ki-duk, who have made the world thrill by the suspicion of sexual assault, have been released.

In MBC 'PD Note' broadcast yesterday (11th), I tracked the traces of Kim Ki-duk and Cho Jae-hyun.

Kim is said to have finished shooting a new movie 'Dean', which is scheduled to open next year in Kazakhstan.

A local film production official said, "The condition of Kim Ki-duk looked good," he said. "We just worked hard and never heard of anything else." The official said Kim did not know he was involved in the "Me Too" revelation.
Jo Jae-hyun, another protagonist of sexual assault suspicions, was up-to-date.

Joe Jae-hyun, a former manager of the PD notebook, said, "I do not work at all and I do not know at all." However, the former manager said, "I know Jo Jae-hyun is currently in the province."

An official from the film industry told the production crew that "I do not know if Jo Jae-hyun is diving, taking a break, or reflecting."

On the same day, it was revealed that the actor who had confessed to being sexually abused by the director of Kim was still suffering. The actor's acquaintance said, "I am currently living with drugs, sleeping pills, etc. After the PD notebook broadcast, the victim was suffering from dyspnea because of Kim's remarks that he and his family are suffering damage."

Earlier this year, a suspicion of sexually abusing Joe Jae-hyun and Kim's coach came to light with the "Mitu" exposure. Victims of female accusations of sexual abuse at that time complained of mental suffering and suffering.

The public A said that Jo Jae-hyun was forced to go to a karaoke toilet in Gangnam, Seoul in 2007, and actress B, who was a Japanese-language actress in Japan, claimed she was raped after appearing in a drama with Cho Jae-hyun.

Exposure to director Kim continued. It has been argued with Kim that director Kim has sexually assaulted actresses, proposed casting, and demanded sexually explicit sex.
As the controversy grows, Cho Jae-hyun said, "No one was raped or raped." Kim also insisted that "the victims' claims were not true and they treated actors and staff with great respect while producing the film."

(Composition = Oh Pleasure Editor, Photo = MBC 'PD Notebook')

(SBS Steve Star)