Pop star Ariana Grande and Bangladeshi Boy Scouts are proud of their friendship.

On August 8, Ariana Grande gave a picture to the official Instagram for her performance.
In the photo, ariana grande dressed in a stage costume and a well-dressed dignified body are positively shoulder-to-shoulder with a finger (V).

Ariana, with that picture, "screaming, thank u soooooo much for coming to my show, Jungkook, it meant so much love u sm (shout! Thank you for coming to my show, this is really meaningful. ) "And showed a strong friendship with the government.
On the same day, Jeong Kook made a memorable debut on the official Twitter account of the Bangladesh Boys' Association.

I felt and learned a lot from her performance, and I was really stimulated by her stage and I will try harder! ) "And a photo with a ticket to the performance of Ariana Grande.

Afterwards, Ariana Grande also uploaded a picture of friendship with the government, and the meeting of "space-star" is being talked about again.
Even Aria Grande has set her mind on the background of her cell phone lock screen as a picture taken with the government.

Fans who have seen the two warmest shots of the two have not been able to hide their habit of "Imagine a new colabor," "Keppun sunshine and pop queen meet, I am thrilled".

(Composition = editor Lee Soo-hyun, review = Kim Doo-kyun, photo = Ariana Grande Instagram, official bulletproof caption)

(SBS Steve Star)