Sullivan, who has been eye-catching with his free path, has revealed his thoughts about the abolition of the abortion.

Sullivan said yesterday (Oct. 11) that the abortion crime was unconstitutional, and he posted an article on his social network to welcome the abolition of abortion. On this day, Sully posted a hash tag that says '# 2019_4_11_ abortion is abolished' with a picture of a flower. And "the abortion is abolished, it is a glorious day!

On October 10, when the Constitutional Court decided to make a constitutional nonconformance on the punishment of an abortion, it turned out to be a personal view that the abortion would disappear.

The netizens who responded to this article responded to Sully's remark that she responded by saying, "Sally is cool to talk with courage," and "Thank you for publicizing these issues."

(Composition = Shin Ji-soo Editor, Review = Do Kyo Kim, Photo = Sully Instagram)

(SBS Steve Star)