There are a lot of people who urged you to go to work on the morning of the 11th. It 's the weather that I think it' s too much to wear a thin jacket and cold and padding. During this period, the time to worry about what clothes to wear is long in front of the closet. Ambiguous weather between autumn and winter, how would you like to dress?
Today, SBS 'Life' suddenly find out why the weather was cold, and we are introducing a honey-tip that wears clothes well in the same weather these days.

■ Frost and frozen ice ... Suddenly cold weather, cause 'radiative cooling'?

The weather this morning was cold and cold. Seoul was down 6.1 degrees, Gangwon province Cheolwon was down 0.5 degrees, Daegwallyeong was down to minus 1 degree, and it was the first time since the autumn of this year. This is 4 to 7 degrees lower than normal. In some mountainous areas there were frosts and places where ice was frozen.

Why did the weather suddenly get cold? The Korean peninsula is now filled with cold air. As the typhoon and the rain clouds passed, the hot high pressure of the southern sea was backed, and cold air of about 20 degrees from the northern continent extended power. In addition, "copy cooling" also contributed to the cold this morning.

Radiant cooling is the phenomenon in which the heat received by the surface during the day is released at night and the atmosphere and surface are cooled. On a cloudy day, the clouds cover the atmosphere like a quilt, so the heat on the surface is less released, but on a clear day during the night like this, the temperature on the surface of the earth flew in the air, and the morning temperature drops further.
When cold wind blows ■, insulated with a scarf ... [Wearing clothes by temperature] to see the warmer particles!

If the temperature difference between the body temperature and the outside temperature exceeds 10 degrees, our body becomes difficult to keep the body temperature by the body function alone. It is because of this reason that you can keep your body warm by putting on many clothes when you are cold and drop your body temperature with a well-ventilated garment on a hot day.

It is also helpful to wear thick clothes when the temperatures are getting colder and colder these days, but wearing multiple clothes is more effective in preventing cold. The secret is in the air layer. When you clothe your clothes, there is a layer of air between your skin and your clothes, and between your clothes and your clothes. And this air layer acts as an insulation material, preventing the heat and moisture of our body from flying.

In addition, office workers often spend all day in the office with heated rooms. So it is much more convenient to take off clothes indoors even in multiple layers.
So, when would you like to put on your padding or fur coat? In fact, people have different degrees of coldness, so there is no right answer. If you are still wondering about the criteria you can refer to, you can also try using the "Attention Table by Temperature". This table lists the appropriate attire according to temperature and is a reference for setting the approximate outfits before choosing clothes.

For example, if you look at Seoul's temperature this morning, it's 6 degrees, so coat or leather jacket is a good choice. It is also possible to use a thin scarf or scarf to warm the neck exposed to cold winds. In areas where the temperature has fallen below 5 ° C, putting brushed or leggings in your padding is effective in maintaining body temperature.

The Meteorological Administration predicted it will be somewhat cold as the early winter weather continues until this weekend. I hope tomorrow and tomorrow morning will be colder than today.

(Planning and composition: Song Wook, Chang Aram / Design: Chung Ho Chung)