The American West. This is the area of ​​land that fascinated the world, and the settlers of the new world of white rushed to it to take housing, pastures and farms. Are those areas that suffered the troubles of the American Civil War, and as a direct result escaped criminals and corrupt, until the good guys came and expelled them.

West of the Mississippi River, on which railroads stretched in the middle of the 19th century, was neither easy nor paved for the push for gold fever, which glowed in the California mines.

It is the Western West, which has fascinated the settlers and the charm of the cinema artists, and has become an independent cinematic material from the age of the seventh art. It is no surprise that French filmmaker Jacques Audiard's film became enthralled by his predecessors of European cinema before the Second World War, and when they fled the Nazis that swept through Europe to Hollywood, they were asked to prove themselves in the manufacture of the authentic American dish, , Although they are giants.

It is called the American West, the Western or the Cowboy, or its Arabic synonym for cowboys. It is the only American film genre that grew up in the American West only. A class that is said to have descended, but does not die, may get sick waiting for a creator to pull it back and face it, as it has been for almost the last century.

The Sisters Brothers, in 1851, begins an attack on a house in total darkness illuminated only by shotguns. No matter who is killed in the house for the Sisters, they are two hired assassins, the older John C. Riley, The most charismatic Charley (Hawakin Phoenix). Just a task they are doing, kissing their price and returning to their leader for another mission.

Charley, moody, drunk, embodied by Phoenix with its sharp and cruel features and angry face which is not strange to these characters. The elder Elai is the one who bestows his brother, the most intelligent and emotional, and embodies Riley with his usual talent since the drama of Paul Thomas Anderson in the nineties to the comedy move after the Anderson era.

A blinding, funny boy looks surprised at the new invention in his hands: brush and toothpaste, brushing his teeth as the child does not know where to put it and how to draw it and look at the instruction sheet! What is more important is that Eli never surrendered, and he remained faithful to the path of killing and criminality and returning to the tranquility of life.

The next task of the leader that we see from afar drives only his lips is the chase of Herman Wurm (Radwan Ahmed), a chemist who turned into a digger, who invented a chemical formula, a solution that if poured into the water, it reveals the stones that contain gold within its elements, , But it burns human skin if touched.

Worm is accused of escaping after borrowing a sum from him and ordering the two brothers to kill him. At the same time, we see John Morris (Jake Yellenhele) as a hunter and spoiler who works for the leader and wants to hand over Worms to the Sisters brothers.

Of course the wind does not blow as the ships crave, Morris educated man and creature exactly as the chemist Worm, after dialogues between them Morris decides to give up the life of mercenaries and join the Worm, which meant Texas to build a project.

A few scenes separate the duet of Sisters in the duo and Murm, and then the inevitable confrontation, which is no surprise being the only motive for the story. Strange is what happens after the confrontation followed by another confrontation with a mercenary team and violent exchange of fire, after which the Brothers Sisters becomes a strange film that is not expected by the public, nor the heroes of the story themselves.

The ordinary viewer may not feel strange, but who will feel the depth of the Western movies and the reader of its history. This film combines beautifully and oddly the two famous Western films: the traditional wave and the corrective wave. Traditional features are seen in each film and its most prominent elements are the Sisters Brothers.

The corrective wave we see during the scenes of violence and blood, and the most prominent elements of Worm and Morris. The two waves converge in the scene of confrontation and continue to the last film. "The Brothers Sisters" does not contain a new category. What Audiard quotes from the Canadian novelist Patrick Duet here is to take all the strong elements of the waves and highlight them, with special emphasis on character formation and development.

For example, the first two parts of the Sisters are very traditional, but they are supported by the extreme violence of the traditional wave of the golden era, from the 1920s to the 1950s. It is also supported by the evolution of the personality of others, especially as we see it as renouncing violence and maintaining normal life. Riley has not combined drama and comedy in this beautiful picture since Magnolia's 1999 film.

The second duo or the Worm-Maurice corrective axis, where we see a non-white minority figure in the role of a chemist (a learned or educated person), a starring role or role, as in Quentin Tarantino's two Western films, "The Seven Wonders" directed by Antoine Foucault, which we saw two years ago.

Changing the dynamics of the relationship between Worm and Morris, from hunter and prey to two friends also comes within the corrective wave that began in the 1950s. The experience of the four brothers Sisters, Morris and Worm for the latter's solution in the river and dialogues and relationships between them, is strange and new in the film.

This film may be suitable for viewing from outside the circle of lovers of Western, but fans of this category is inevitably a film for reading more than just watching.

The Brothers Sisters is the second co-operation between Ahmed and Yelenhele after appearing together in Dan Gillroy's "Knight Crowler" in 2014. The film with other films this year such as "Rich Asian Asians," "First Man" and "Star Birth" Is a wave of films similar to those old films, which emerged in the era of Hollywood studios from the 1920s to 1948.

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This film may be suitable for viewing from outside the circle of fans of «Western», and for fans of this category is definitely a film for reading more than just watching.