Rap singer Cyril of Tolmatsky, speaking under the pseudonyms Decl and Le Truk, died as a result of acute heart failure. This was stated in the press service of the Investigative Committee of Russia in Udmurtia.

According to RIA Novosti, the conclusion was published after a check organized after the death of a musician in Izhevsk in early February.

“The death of Cyril Tolmatsky was caused by acute heart failure, which was a complication of the cardiovascular disease. No injuries were identified, ”the report says.

Kirill Tolmatsky died on the night of February 3 after a concert in Izhevsk club "Posh". The musician lost consciousness in the dressing room. The ambulance doctors who arrived later stated death. Among the possible versions for which death could occur, the media did not rule out acute heart failure.

In turn, Decla’s mother, Irina Tolmatskaya, called the reason for the overload of her son’s heart.

Memory of Decl

Fans of the rap artist in memory of the artist created graffiti in memory of Decl on one of the Sochi streets. Fans of the musician also offered to open the decal's memory in Moscow. On the online platform change.org, activists have created a special petition, which has already been signed by more than 7 thousand people.

The Moscow City Council supported the idea of ​​the initiators of the project, stressing that in order to assist in creating the wall of memory, activists should be sent an appeal to the alleged place where the memorial will be organized.

To perpetuate the memory of the artist intended not only ordinary fans. In February, journalist Roman Super, in conjunction with the video production Amur Waves, announced the start of fundraising for the filming of a documentary film about Cyril Tolmatsky. The task of the campaign was to collect 3.5 million rubles in 42 days.

“I want to make a documentary biopic about Cyril Tolmatsky, to tell myself and you about who the rapper Decl really was, what views he shared and what kind of Russia he dreamed of living. I want, humanly, without television screams and scandals, to tell the story of the most underrated Russian artist, who he tried to do not like everything, but in his own way. And I suggest you to help me with this, ”the portal quotes the journalist Planeta.ru.

It was clarified that the collected funds will go to the production of the film, installation, as well as the acquisition of licensing rights for materials that are planned to be used in the project. Currently, the project was supported by almost 1.5 thousand people - its budget is more than three million rubles.

However, the initiative of the journalist was not supported by the son of Tolmatsky Anthony. In his Instagram, he stated that the journalist has no right to make a documentary about his father. In turn, the rapper’s mother, Irina Tolmatskaya, believes that a “real director, not a crook” collects money for a documentary film about her son.

Inheritance rights

After the death of the musician, his father Alexander Tolmatsky published a statement in which he announced that all rights to the name, musical heritage and clips of the rapper would be transferred to Decl’s son Anthony.

However, according to the widow of musician Yulia Tolmatskaya, Decl’s parents intend to get the rights to her son’s creative legacy. In the comments under the publication on Instagram, she wrote that Tolmatsky Sr. "declared war".

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“My grandson is my grandmother, creativity is my grandfather, and they both have already sent me to look for a new husband,” she added.

The father of the musician denied this statement, noting that Yulia Tolmatskaya offered to help with opening a bank account for himself and his son Decl Anthony, and also asked to write the name of Kirill Tolmatsky on his son's birth certificate.

“Irina and I have repeatedly said that all the proceeds from the sale of the creative works of Kirill, regardless of how our relationship with Julia develops, will be received by his beloved son Antony. No other property of Cyril was not there. We never had even the thought of taking Tony from his mother, ”Tolmatsky wrote on his Facebook.

At the same time, the rapper’s father noted that Decl’s ex-wife was “a bad scandal” and she sets up a grandson against her husband’s parents.