With television appearances, the ex-first-lady, ex-Foreign Minister and ex-presidential candidate knows: Hillary Clinton has come to the camera countless times - not only in news programs and talk shows. Already in 2016 she played herself in the sitcom "Broad City". Now comes a political series. Clinton joins Madam Secretary as former Foreign Secretary.

As the "Huffington Post" reported, will play in addition to Clinton and Madeleine Albright Colin Powell in the fifth season of the series in guest roles. Having three heavyweights of US diplomacy on the show is a formidable one, said producer Lori McCreary.

We've got some BIG guest stars in store for Season 5! Former Secretaries of State @HillaryClinton, @Madeleleine, and Colin Powell will be appearing on the season's premiere of #MadamSecretary on Sunday, October 7! pic.twitter.com/C4WrY2EcMk

- Madam Secretary (@MadamSecretary) July 24, 2018

The series is about US Secretary of State Elizabeth Faulkner McCord, played by Téa Leoni. Unconventionally, she achieves considerable successes in her office. Both real and fictitious scenarios of world events are discussed. In the fifth season now McCord asks her predecessors Albright, Powell and Clinton for advice.

Madeleine Albright was the first woman from 1997 to 2001 Secretary of State under Bill Clinton, followed her until 2005 Colin Powell under George W. Bush. Hillary Clinton held office under Barack Obama from 2009 to 2013.