The singer, who defines himself as a former "anarchist militant, radical enough", and who had welcomed the movement of "yellow vests" last fall, now detaches and denounces "Poujadist" drifts.

"At first I signed behind them." But singer Bernard Lavilliers has changed his mind. The author of the hit On the road again told Paris Match this week, and took the opportunity to put things in perspective regarding the "yellow vests". He who, last November, had hailed on Europe 1 a "real social movement from the base" now believes that "it turns to Poujadism".

"I am an anarchist". "We know where Poujadism leads: the National Front," added Bernard Lavilliers in the columns of the weekly. This does not prevent him from continuing to claim the people. "I am an anarchist, I am on the side of the unions, you will never see me on the side of politicians," he said. "What matters is to be on the side of the people."

"I like Macron pretty well". On Emmanuel Macron too, the singer has changed his mind. In November, he called him "amateur". Today, he admits to "rather well [love] him, even if he is surrounded by a group of trainees". "Apart from him, I see no other alternative," concludes the one who had yet brought his voice to Jean-Luc Mélenchon in 2012.