
This performance is the appearance of Cho Sung-jin, who won his first Korean title four years ago at the Chopin Competition, which was held once every five years, and whose authority was outstanding.

Since then, I have only performed in the show, and it is getting popular like idol in a few minutes so that the ticket can be exchanged. Reporter Kim Soo-hyun met with Cho Jin-jin who returned home a long time.


In 2010, Cho Sung-jin, who played a concert performance at the awards ceremony of the most prestigious member of Korean classical music world.

Following the 2011 Rookie of the Year, this year, Chung Myung-hoon, Baek Kwon Woo, and Jung Kyung-hwa returned to the main character.

Others are the youngest people in their 20s who receive the New Rewind.

[Cho Jin-jin / pianist: I will strive to become a better musician and devote more time.]

Cho Jin-jin played alongside Kishin and Shiff in the 25th anniversary gala performance of the world's top piano music festival Verbie Festival last year.

It is a scene that shows his status symbolically.

Four years after winning the Chopin Competition, what is Cho's next goal?

[Cho Sung-jin / pianist: The title of the Chopin Competition winner, I hope people will think of my name, my music rather than that.]

It is called "classic idol," but says that fame and popularity are not important.

[Cho Jin-jin / pianist: (fame and popularity) I do not care much. Because I know this is not going to last forever ... . The most important thing for me is just to live happily.]

I asked what is the most important thing for him who dreams of a happy musician's life.

[Cho Jin-jin / pianist: I think it's more important to play for who, or for whom, rather than where I play. I would like to play for those who have not been familiar with the concert ... .]

Joo-jin Cho meets Korean fans with the Budapest Festival Orchestra and the Philharmonia Orchestra this year, and as a composer of the Schubert song authority Mathias Goerne.

(Video coverage: Chochun-dong, video editing: Young-Taek Oh, VJ: OEC)