American actress Allison Mack, best known for her role in the fantasy TV series “Mysteries of Smallville,” pleaded guilty in the case of recruiting into slavery sex followers of the organization NXIVM. It is reported by The New York Post.

"I am obliged to take full responsibility for my own behavior ... I am very guilty before my family and those good people whom I hurt because of my rash adherence to the teachings (leader NXIVM. - RT ) Keith Ranier," - quotes her edition .

According to Mack, the recruitment system “was designed to impose on them (members of the organization. - RT ) a sense of the threat of serious damage” in case of refusal to provide the services required of them.

“I was in a secret society founded by Keith Ranier,” Mack told the court. According to her, she was convinced that Ranier wanted to "help people" - but turned out to be "not right."

According to Variety, the actress had previously completely denied involvement in forcing women into sexual slavery. After negotiations with authorities, Mack changed her testimony and pleaded guilty.

Now she faces a prison sentence of 15 years imprisonment to life imprisonment. At the same time, it is not excluded that the sentence may be mitigated due to the cooperation of Mack with the investigation.

Mack was arrested in April 2018. However, she was later transferred to house arrest on bail of $ 5 million.

Self development organization

The company NXIVM, supposedly providing services to control the mental state of women and overcome their emotional and physical barriers, was founded by entrepreneur Keith Ranier. It is noteworthy that he was already held accountable for trying to create a financial pyramid in the early 1990s.

  • Keith Ranier
  • © Frame: YouTube / Keith Raniere Conversations video

Ranier’s fans and NXIVM members included the daughter of former Mexican president Vicente Fox Ana Cristina, as well as the children of Seagram’s owner of the Seagram, Edgar Bronfman. The entrepreneur himself for a short time was also listed as a member of the organization, but left the company, calling her activity a cult.

The fact that NXIVM deals with illegal matters, the newspaper wrote The New York Times. In October 2017, the NYT published its own investigation, in which former followers of the organization said that the sect called themselves “masters”, and their pupils “slaves”.

In addition, women argued that the spiritual leader — Ranier — manipulates the followers, and also forces them to have sex and makes them follow an exhausting diet — so that they look the way he likes.

Shortly after the NXIVM membership began, the women quit their jobs and left their families to devote themselves entirely to the teachings of Ranier. Membership in the NXIVM was confirmed by a special initiation ceremony: the followers were burned with the mark of Ranier’s initials in the pelvic region.

The investigation believes that the company was built on the principle of a pyramid: the organization had a secret group that was engaged in sexual exploitation and trafficking in women.

"Out of town for retreat"

In the mid-2000s, the star of the series "The Mysteries of Smallville" Allison Mack also joined NXIVM. A member of the sect was also her colleague, Canadian actress Christine Kreuk, who performed the role of Lana Lang in the TV series about Superman's youth.

In 2012, Kreuk left the organization - shortly after the publication of an article accusing Ranier of seducing minors (later the actress will emphasize that she was not involved in organizing sex slaves as a recruiter). But Allison Mack didn’t embarrass the material: she didn’t just stay at NXIVM, but began to play the role of a recruiter.

  • Still from the series “Mysteries of Smallville”
  • ©

According to investigators, Mack repeatedly received money for forcing followers to enter into intimate relationships with Keith Ranier.

To join NXIVM, or rather, to the secret group of DOS, Mack offered to her colleagues and singers as well. In 2013, she expressed a desire to get acquainted closer with the singer Kelly Clarkson, and in 2016 she tried to involve the actress Emma Watson in the organization.

. @ EmWatson I'm a fellow actress I think youd dig. If you open.

- Allison Mack (@allisonmack) January 24, 2016

“I, like you, are an actress and enter an amazing female movement that you should like. I would be glad to chat if you are interested, ”wrote Mack Emme Watson on Twitter in January 2016. Mack later sent Watson some more similar offers.

After the scandal with the arrest of Mack, recruitment from her side was announced by the actress of Pakistani origin Samia Shoab. During the interview, she said that Mack also invited her to join the closed women's community.

“This is a group of women. We arrange field meetings in the countryside, share our experiences and support each other, ”Mek said, recalling Shoab. The actress noted that the star of "Mystery Smallville" then looked extremely exhausted.