White or red, bitter or not, called chicory or endive, Michel Drucker is crazy. On the sidelines of his visit to the studios of Europe 1, the animator explained to Bernard Poirette that he could not do without this vegetable.

"I'm crazy about chicory". "I've always loved endives, which I loved when I was a kid!" And the host to express his childhood taste pleasures: "I loved the shells, I loved the salad, I can eat salad, shells, pasta and rice. good for the sport, it's slow sugars, and endive, I can eat it day and night! " With such a passion for chicory (his scholarly name), he turns it into different recipes on his plate: "I can eat them in salad, with nuts, I can eat them with ham, endive-béchamel, it goes without saying I can eat them grilled In the water, it's very very good I'm crazy endive, I do not know why, "enthuses the host who remains very serious when we might want to smile.

Heard on europe1:

I am waiting to be retired and as I will never be retired, I will still buy endive

"It's indispensable to me" He continues his praise: "It's a vegetable that I liked very, very early, and even I go to a restaurant, and I ask them, 'Do not you have chicory?', Even though it's out of season, they always manage to make a salad of chicory. " That they keep their bitterness does not change anything, "I'm crazy endive.I think it's nice, it has a great shape.I sometimes even prepare my endive salad, to the house, because it's essential to me, "says the TV man, obviously unaccustomed to cooking. He gives his very simple recipe: "Vinegar, Provence oil and lemon" accompany the white and readily red leaves. "I like mixing them," he says, lovingly.

READ ALSO: "Laurence Boccolini:" Me, I am 'endivewoman'! "

"That's wonderful". Only downside in this frantic quest of the vegetable: it does not grow. "I'm bad at gardening but I could grow," he concedes, before changing his mind, indicating in passing that he is not ready to pick up the small screen: "I'm waiting to be and as I will never be retired, I will still buy endives at the vegetable shop.