Sometimes even ProSieben can stir you. For example, when Elton knautschjackettig announces a harmless Saturday night show as "the eternal duel" - in half-greased Leierton, as if he himself almost believe what he just claims.

And unfortunately that does not mean that in the next four hours now finally and finally to be clarified, who would win a fight between brown bear and gorilla. But only the sheer inexplicability anmoderiert that in "hit the star" for the first time in the history of the format a man and a woman would compete against each other - rapper Eko Fresh against "Germany seeks the superstar" Second Sarah Lombardi namely.

ProSieben / Steffen Z. Wolff

Sarah Lombardi and Eko Fresh

If this really is "the eternal duel", you can just wait for the arrival of the apocalyptic riders on Shetland ponies, who are about to turn the corner to the soundtrack of the "girls from Immenhof".

Let's say it is shorter, as the show is eloquent: Ego Fresh wins, towering.

Interestingly, however, is the fact that it could well have been the other way round. Because Lombardi led in some games first, but then to screw them up. For example, at Tomahawk-Bell-Wettwerfen. In a four-fight on the ice, where both about equally unggling balls threw on a tin. Or in the mud course, which had to be covered on a ground squirrel (the mini-tracked vehicle, unfortunately not the same-named, squirrel-like animal).

Who is this Friedrich Merz?

Which raised the question very quickly, why it took so long, please, to dare production of the Hasardeurenstück to send a mixed gender candidate duo into the race. Stupidity such as the failure to recognize relevant current figures, in this case Friedrich Merz, are finally absolutely cross-gender, as proven by previous programs.

Yesterday it was Eko Fresh, who recognized the failed CDU presidential aspirant in the picture puzzle, what Sarah Lombardi with an astonished "Since one has prepared!" thoughtful.

After all, Dagobert Duck recognized both.

The fact that the duel was not particularly exciting, was also due to the fact that Fresh 35 years and plenty of battle experience was much clearer than his nine years younger opponent.

When the two in a strange innovation in a game round had to start or prepared -prepared three songs to then decide the favor of paying viewers to decide on the winner, he performed ripped off and clever ranschmeißerisch a cover of "Wadde hadde dudde da?" - just the ESC contribution of many spectators still painfully missing "beat the star" inventor Stefan Raab.

Also in the other rounds he seemed simply more nervy, while Lombardi on her self-whistling organ only between the pedals "Crap!", "Man!" and "Shit!" varied. In the end, he politely thanked her for the fair fight and acknowledged her courage in facing a man. Probably that was meant nicely, it still sounded antiquated patronizing.

But who knows, maybe this highly emancipatory evening really paves the way for a "hit the star" edition with Bear versus Gorilla, so in ten, twenty years when the time is right.