Millions of Algerians have been living for six days in a state of anxiety and discontent on the other hand after the incident that hit the state of Mseila in the village of Umm al-Shaml where a 31-year-old young man, Ayash Mahjoubi, was caught in an artesian well not more than 35 centimeters ! The issue, which was in its first day is considered normal, turned a few hours ago into a media aura circulated by most Arab and foreign channels and satellite channels on the grounds that the process of extraction is witnessing its sixth day without any clear result on the ground.

144 hours without a verified result

Since the start of the operation on its first day it has become clear that the Algerian civil protection, despite the harnessing of the elements, was unable to determine the whereabouts of the victim "Ayash" and the implementation of a clear strategy for extraction and the absence of geologists.

This has led to the use of traditional methods of digging in order to reach the edge of the well. In the absence of the advanced means of rescue operations on the one hand and the shortening of the state authorities and not using them to the means necessary to make the process to proceed at a very slow pace, with complete absence of media coverage and limited to the phones of citizens in the area The accident, making a normal rescue operation estimated by geologists and teams with a maximum of 7 hours to the longest rescue operation in the world how it does not see the day 6 !, making the subject spread globally and resonates further.

It seems that the political confusion experienced by the Algerian authorities for years, made the citizen wonder about its importance in the absence of abuse and response to power with the daily events of the country and provide the simplest means to ensure his safety so as not to say dignity

Absent officials and the people is the state

During the first hours of the operation, the residents of the Umm al-Shamal area and its neighboring municipalities took the role of the savior by using their own means of bulldozers and vehicles to facilitate the digging process, which made the process difficult and lengthy. The absence of possibilities has caused the residents of the region and the millions of Algerians who are following the event with their hearts and eyes and behind their screens for a moment to recognize the situation of Cheb Ayyash, who lost contact with him two days after falling in the artesian well, wondering why he was not interested in the case.

And the citizens' discontent and the great efforts exerted by the civil protection by its very weak means. Until the sixth day, the body of the young man was not recovered, and no crisis cell emerged, nor did a senior official come out to speak about the subject, considering that the safety of the citizen is one of the most important priorities of the state. Which appeared in recent days after the issue took other dimensions, and some are wondering about the feasibility of prolonging the process and non-Istgnad teams specialized in the field from the countries of Asia and Europe instead of just trying to search for research only! Would not it be better to have a quick intervention.

Masila is not the son of Akkun!

Many Algerians are surprised by the lack of authoritarian and media attention to the young man's case and not to give the case the extreme case of treatment because it is related to the life of a person who links this story to the story of the slippage of soil in one of the roads in Algiers, where the incident was devoted to the media and unprecedented landing of ministers and officials and local tires for the month To address the issue as soon as possible, ignoring the slow treatment of the young man stuck in the well.

Citizens, but second

It seems that the political confusion experienced by the Algerian authorities for years, made the citizen wonder about its importance in the absence of abuse and response to power with the daily events of the country and provide the simplest means to ensure his safety so as not to say dignity, Is not "Ayash" Algerian citizen has the right to be abused by the authorities Aata Advanced means to extract it as soon as possible? Could the rescue teams take a young man out of a 5-meter-deep tube while extracting oil a few kilometers from the ground?

Where are the ministries concerned? Why does not the Algerian official communicate with his compatriots and stay with him on the ground? Why is the mobilization of the Algerian individual only in electoral events to legitimize and then throw it as a secondary priority again! Ayyash is still alive and his family is still waiting for the body of her son. The rescue operations continue despite the fact that the Algerians are still waiting for the new, and most of the questions remain vague, looking for an official body to answer them.